
Showing posts with the label biblical law

Lesbianism and Leviticus

The charge that Leviticus may condemn male-male sexual intimacy but does not condemn female-female sexual intimacy (lesbianism) is not uncommon.  Scanzoni and Mollenkott remark, “It should be noticed that female homosexuality is not mentioned in the Holiness Code , even though women were certainly not ignored in the other sexual behaviors mentioned therein.”7 While we cannot answer every objection that is brought up by those who claim that the Bible supports their homosexual practices (or at least does not forbid them), this one we must answer as it is gaining in popularity in the absence of biblical thinking in our day. First of all, absence of a direct comment in Holy Scripture does not render a behavior morally acceptable . Similarly, a distinct prohibition in the pages of Holy Scripture is not needed to render some behavior morally reprehensible.  For example, the Bible nowhere condemns necrophilia, and yet this fact does not make the practice morally acceptable.

Neil Gorsuch’s philosophical mentor cites “natural law” to reject homosexual marriage

President Donald Trump ’s Supreme Court nominee is a gift to conservatives: Neil Gorsuch has a history of defending religious liberties and has written extensively on the value of human life with regards to euthanasia . But, while Gorsuch’s judicial history has been extensively discussed, it’s also worth examining his intellectual influences. A Harvard Law School graduate, Gorsuch was later mentored as a Marshall Scholar at Oxford University by the moral and legal philosopher John Finnis , one of the great contemporary natural law theorists. First, a brief explanation of natural law. (For a more detailed and nuanced summary, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is a great place to start.) There is a millennia-old debate, with many different tweaks and interpretations, about whether law is “natural” or “positive.” Legal positivism argues that the law is socially constructed: Legislators create a law, apply it to a particular society, and lo, a law is formed. Those who beli