
Showing posts with the label Pornography

UNICEF homosexual indoctrination of kids

Fifty angry Christians picketed UNICEF 's office near the UN during the just-completed Commission on the Status of Women , a UN conference where pro-lifers won a major victory. The complaint against UNICEF is that the UN children's agency joined a global campaign to promote "comprehensive sexuality education" that critics say promotes controversial ideas for children like abortion, masturbation, and homosexuality. UNICEF, that has long come under criticism from social conservatives, signed onto something called "International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education " that calls for children to be able to "describe male and female responses to sexual stimulation," and "summarize key elements of sexual pleasure." The UNICEF-endorsed document also mocks the idea of abstinence and, according to Family Watch International, sponsor of the UNICEF protest, and "distorts" the notion that children should delay and even avoi

8 predications about the future of sex, gender and marriage

Recently I was reading sociologist Mark Regnerus’s insightful new book Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy. His premise is that the Pill and ubiquity of pornography have caused sex to be more widely available, which drives the cost of sex down and makes real commitment more “expensive” and difficult to navigate. Essentially, Regnerus examines sex in today through an economic lens. Perhaps the most interesting part of the book was his final eight predictions for 2030 in regard to sex, relationships, and marriage. He admits that these are “educated guesses” and that the evidence for some is more better than for others. Even though he is confident they won’t all come true, they are based on his best reading of current numbers and trends. Prediction #1: Sex Will Get Even Cheaper.  Regnerus considers this one “easy.” Fertility control is improving and there is little risk of pregnancy with sex. Porn use also continues to grow and shows no signs of declining.

The Case Against Homosexual Marriage

The question of homosexual marriage presents the American people with an inescapable moral challenge. The words homosexual and marriage are inherently contradictory. The very fact that these terms are in public conflict demonstrates the radical character of the social revolutionaries that now demand the legalization of homosexual marriage. For at least the last one hundred years, America has experienced an unprecedented season of social transformation. Now, this transformation has been extended to experimentation with the most basic institutions and cherished principles of our common life. A conversation about “homosexual marriage” is only possible if the concept of marriage is completely redefined and severed from its historic roots and organic meaning. Civilization requires the regulation of human sexuality and relationships. No society–ancient or modern–has survived by advocating a laissez faire approach to sex and sexual relationships. Every society, no matter how liberal,

Homosexual sex, evil spiritual entities and salvation through Christ

In the context of pornography , fantasy takes on a truly horrific sense as the term pornography is derived from the Greek word “ porneia :” a word often used in Greek translations of The Bible – meaning “illicit sexual intercourse , adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals…”  Then, in reality, when we watch pornography, the fantasy becomes material; we are physically and substantially bringing evil and depravity into the world; into our homes; and into our minds. How does this happen? It is my contention, that particular demonic entities are tied to pornography; and the attached sins of masturbation and sexual fantasy .  When we look at pornography, we seek out that which we have been fantasizing about: a particular actress ; a physical trait in the selected actress or actor; a certain sexual scenario. When found on the internet, the fantasy takes on a material shape. In the mind, the image on the screen and the memory of that image, encode

Homosexual Porn is connected to spiritual forces of evil

LSN: You encountered the darkness of spiritual evil during your sexual downward spiral. Is there any connection between the homosexual movement and the spiritual forces of evil? Sciambra: I believe there is a connection between the homosexual movement and the forces of evil because the gay lifestyle is essentially a lie and a tool of deception. Those that advocate for it – promise much, but rarely deliver. Now, one of the main recruiting devices is porn . It gives a completely false view of gay relationships and gay sex. In porn, everyone is beautiful, happy and healthy. Its themes, often emphasizing supreme masculinity and sexualized father-son relationships aims at the very woundedness that sits at the center of every gay man ’s malformed sense of masculinity. Porn preys upon their desires for healing. What you get, is a quick fix. That, later on, leaves you more damaged than before. I know heaven wept when I had to see so many young men buried because of disease and suicide. I

Ex- Gay Porn Actor says sex acts among homosexual men are aberrations of nature.

Joseph Sciambra, 44, will be the first to tell you of his large-hearted and abiding love for gays . He will also be the first to tell you that despite its feel-good name, genuine happiness cannot be found in the “gay” lifestyle. The former gay porn actor has described his own journey into the darkest core of the gay underworld in the Castro District of San Francisco in the early 90’s as like being “ Swallowed by Satan ” – the title of his new book, in which he recounts his experiences.  Joseph, who left the gay scene thirteen years ago after a dramatic reconversion to the Catholic faith , says his quest for love and acceptance through sex began with pornography . At the age of eight, he one day naively flipped through a porn magazine left out by an older brother. This was followed by more graphic porn magazines. Then came masturbation and the urge to act out with others what he saw in the magazines.  Joseph Sciambra Joseph says that what he craved to experience was a d

Porn the only place homosexual youth see homosexual sex portrayed ‘positively’: UK ‘sex health’ charity head

LONDON , August 26, 2013 ( ) – One of Britain’s largest government-sponsored youth “sexual health” charities and strongest promoters of abortion, artificial contraception and homosexuality and other immoral acts, has expressed doubts about government plans to provide optional blockers to internet porn, saying that young people can sometimes only get the sex education they need via porn. Brook’s Chief Executive, Simon Blake, wrote in the homosexual newspaper  PinkNews  last week that while online porn is “inadequate” as sex ed for homosexuals youth, it could be seen as better than nothing. Simon Blake It “is clearly not good enough, and has to change,” Blake wrote. “It is our shared responsibility to ensure pornography is not their first, only or main source of information.” But until the current “woefully inadequate” school Sex and Relationships Education programs are made more gay inclusive, porn can be “one of the first places they see their sexuality r

Men who use Pornography support Homosexual Marriage

Immoral Homosexual  Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The moral effects of pornography are, by now, well attested. The scourge of pornography has brought ruin and harm into the lives of millions of our friends and neighbors, destroying marriages , distorting sexuality, and poisoning minds. Even so, the pornography industrial complex continues to grow, representing one of the most lucrative segments of the Internet economy . For the most part, previous research into the effects of pornography has focused on the psychological and physiological effects of pornography exposure. Among males, exposure to pornography is associated with addictive behaviors traced to the release of chemicals in the brain, stimulating arousal and excitement. In the larger context, pornography is also associated with an exaggerated masculinity, negative attitudes toward women, and relational breakdowns due to unrealistic sexual expectations. Pornography reduces women to objects of sexual attraction a