
Showing posts with the label Olympia Washington

Rights talk run amok: the supremacy of the individual

November 10, 2012 ( - Colleen Francis made himself right at home in the locker room at Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington . The forty-five year-old student showered, used the sauna and walked around naked in front of the other people using those facilities. Now if you’re having trouble squaring the name “Colleen” with the male pronoun “himself,” you’re not the only one. Those present in the locker room also had trouble with the combination that the locker room in question was the women’s room and “Colleen” is anatomically a male. Thus when he showers, sits in the sauna, and walks around naked, Francis is exposing himself not only to his fellow students but students from local high schools and families who also use the college’s swimming pool and locker room. Thus, among the females he has exposed himself to are minors, some as young as six. If you’re wondering, “Why doesn’t someone stop Francis,” well, they tried to, and that’s when the story becam