
Showing posts from September, 2016

More Anti-Christian Bigotry in Victoria

Things are growing darker by the day in the People’s Republik of Victoria . I have documented a number of very ominous developments here under the radical leftist reign of Labor Premier Dan Andrews. He seems obsessed with wiping out Christianity and religious freedom while he implements every hard-core minority group agenda around. His latest attack of faith and freedom comes in the form of the Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016. It is a frightening proposal which everyone concerned about freedom and religious freedom should know about. The full details of the proposed changes can be found here:!OpenDocument Here are the relevant bits which are of real concern: A Bill for an Act to amend the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 to modify the religious exceptions in relation to the employment of a person by religious bodies and s

Homosexuals activists want to re-engineer your kids minds - Safe Schools

The activists it seems never eat nor sleep. They are constantly looking to remake society in their own disordered image, and they seem especially intent on targeting our children – tirelessly, relentlessly, and unashamedly. If only parents and other concerned citizens worked as hard to protect our children from the radical social engineers… Consider the latest homosexual blitzkrieg aimed at levelling society and turning our culture into a homosexual paradise – or rather nightmare. Check this out: Students across Victoria will soon have the opportunity to celebrate LGBTI History Month as part of their curriculum, the first of its kind in Australia . For the month of October schools will be able to highlight the largely invisible history of sexual and gender diverse people in the country. The initiative was announced and will be led by the Safe Schools Coalition Victoria (SSCV), Minus18, and the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives (ALGA). Manager of SSCV Roz Ward sa

A Review of The Global Sexual Revolution. By Gabriele Kuby.

In 300 well-documented pages, Gabriele Kuby makes it crystal clear that the sexual revolution has been every bit as wide-ranging and destructive as other fateful events such as the Russian revolution and the French revolution . The trouble is, the sexual revolution shows no signs of abating, but in fact is getting worse, damaging everything it touches. The German sociologist released this book in 2012, but it has only recently been translated into English, and we all can be grateful that it has. It is a detailed look at the sexual revolution and its bitter fruit. She begins by examining some of the founding fathers of the sexual revolution, those who especially attacked the family unit, sexual morality, and the Christian churches . These include Karl Marx , Margaret Sanger , Wilhelm Reich , Alfred Kinsey , and John Money . These and others paved the way for the social upheaval and the sexual freefall we are still experiencing today.  Bad ideas have bad consequences, and their

This is How the Homosexual Activists “Debate” – And This is How Democracy Dies

What debate? What democracy? When Mark Steyn was last in Australia I of course paid close attention to what he had to say and took copious notes. One thing I recorded that especially stood out was this thought: “The Left does not want to win the debate, it wants to shut down the debate.” That is as accurate as you can get. And I know this from firsthand experience. I have been to numerous public meetings on topics such as marriage and family either as a speaker or a listener which the radical leftists and the homosexual activists sought to shut down, disrupt, and/or turn into mayhem. I have more than once even had to run the gauntlet, and be personally escorted into a venue by a line of police who had to keep the raging and hate-filled militants away from us. I have personally experienced being jostled and shoved by the angry activists, had things thrown at me, and abused me with all manner of foul and despicable language – all because I dared to think differently than

Courageous Christians Resisting the Rainbow Warriors

Homosexual marriage changes everything. I and others have made this warning for decades now. And on a daily basis we see the frightening truth of this. Everyone is impacted by such radical social and legal changes. We are all at risk. And Christians are especially being targeted. I have documented numerous cases of anti- Christian bigotry both in my books and on my website. One could monitor all this on a full time basis, and still have a hard time keeping up. Here are more cases of the attack on faith and freedom by the homosexual militants. But these are also stories of courageous Christian resistance. Here I offer three recent stories coming out of North America of steadfast believers who have refused to bow the knee to the rainbow gods, but have stood fast, even when that means suffering very real consequences. The first story comes from Illinois: A Christian’s 14-year career is being threatened because he refused to watch a training video on lesbian, homosexual, bi