
Showing posts with the label Rainbow/PUSH

Jesse Jackson: Yeah, I’d marry homosexuals

CHARLOTTE, September 4, 2012,– The Reverend Jesse Jackson has said he would have “no problem” performing a same-sex wedding ceremony, “if I was asked to.” Jackson made the remarks to reporters in Charlotte , where he had arrived for the Democratic National Convention . “Beginning with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 , to the inclusion of blacks, Hispanics, 18-year-olds, and women, opportunities are now unlimited,” he  said .  Both Jackson and the Democratic Party platform wholeheartedly support same-sex “marriage.”  “We’re taught that being gay is a sin to be overcome through conversion. Without that you go to Hell,” Jackson  said . “If your theology is rooted in that Biblical view, then there’s not much room to grow.” One of Jackson’s former aides has claimed Jackson’s interest in homosexuality is more than theological.  Tommy Bennett , who worked as Jackson’s personal  travel assistant  at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition , filed a sexual harassment lawsuit  for  nearly h