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Pope translation error: left out man and woman?

English: Statue of Jesus Christ at Parish of the Sacred Heart of Lord of Jesus in Gdynia. Polski: Statua Jezusa Chrystusa na terenie Parafii Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa w Gdyni. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Just at first glance, and without looking it up on Google Translate , what is the difference between these two passages of a recent important Vatican document, the final “Relatio” from October’s Extraordinary Synod of Bishops ? “…confronto alla luce del Signore Gesù per discernere le vie con cui rinnovare la Chiesa e la società nel loro impegno per la famiglia fondata sul matrimonio tra uomo e donna.” and “…facing the situation, with an eye on the Lord Jesus , to discern how the Church and society can renew their commitment to the family .” A little pared down, perhaps? The official Italian original says, roughly, “…facing, in the light of the Lord Jesus, [how] to discern the ways in which to renew the Church and society in their commitment to the family  based