
Showing posts with the label lesbianism sin

Does God consider homosexuality universally wrong?

Moses with the tablets of the Ten Commandments, painting by Rembrandt (1659) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) To determine whether God considers homosexuality a universal wrong, one should consider other references to the practice. The defense of the thesis that homosexuality was the sin of Sodom and Gibeah provides support identifying its universality. Interpretation cannot relegate Sodom and Gibeah to Jewish ritual or ceremonial law. Most revisionist interpreters admit that Sodom was destroyed centuries before God gave the Law. The existence of toʿeba in Ezekiel 16, argues for the universality of the prohibition of sodomy. There, three terms—zōnāh, toʿeba, and zimmah—seem to be synonymous. Ezekiel compares Jerusalem to Sodom and says that she has walked according to Sodom’s abominations (vv. 46ff.). In verse 50, Ezekiel applies toʿeba to Sodom. Paul clearly describes homosexuality as the sin to which God delivers the Gentiles because they turn to idolatry (Rom. 1:24–27). Paul’s desc

Homosexuality is an offensive sin to God

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” ( Gen. 1:27 ). It is all too easy to come across as “holier-than-thou” when we condemn sexual sin  or politicans who claim to be Christians who promote sin like homosexuality.  Yet no person merits forgiveness ( Eph. 2:4–7 ), and we sin if we portray ourselves as guiltless, explicitly or implicitly, or think we are less deserving of wrath than others ( Luke 18:9–14 ).  As ambassadors of Christ , we are called to extend love and the hope of restoration to all people. His Great Commission does not send us to some transgressors and not others; we are to preach the Gospel to all people ( Matt. 28:18–20 ). Our Father can free those in bondage to homosexuality just as He frees other sinners. We must love those enslaved to homosexuality and seek their redemption. True love in this case involves calling homosexual behavior a sin. We may be ostracized when we do this, but we canno

Same-Sex Marriage as a Civil Right -- Are Wrongs Rights?

English: The United States Supreme Court, the highest court in the United States, in 2010. Top row (left to right): Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, and Associate Justice Elena Kagan. Bottom row (left to right): Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, and Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) We should have seen it coming. Back in 1989 two young activists pushing for the normalization of homosexuality coauthored a book intended to serve as a political strategy manual and public relations guide for their movement. In After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s, authors Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen argued that efforts to normalize homosexuality and homosexual relationships would fail unless their movement shifted its argument to a demand for civil ri