
Showing posts with the label Person

A Gay disorder becomes a Right?

In 2006, a group of self-styled human rights experts met in Yogyakarta , Indonesiaand outlined a set of principles designed to totally redefine human rights — principles which they argued should be binding on all states. [1]  These so-called principles would make absolute sexual freedom the measure of human rights and trample over freedom of religion, freedom of speech, parental rights, and national sovereignty. [2]  The Yogyakarata Principles demand that all discrimination in the public and private spheres on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity be eliminated. Of course, violence against any person should be prosecuted. Of course, each person is entitled to full protection under the law. However, under the Yogyakarta Principles those who refuse to recognize same-sex marriages or sex changes could be charged with hate crimes and subjected sanctions, even if their statements are based on scientific studies or strongly held religious views. Many of those pushing ‘gender

Same sex attraction distorting marriage debate

Image via Wikipedia The defenders of marriage should take advantage of what is known about same-sex attraction ( SSA ), because those promoting the redefinition of marriage have manipulated public opinion by distorting the facts and research. The five main distortions are: 1)      Persons with SSA are born that way. 2)      Persons with SSA can’t change. 3)      Persons with SSA are just as healthy as persons in husband/wife marriages. 4)      Same-sex relationships are just like husband/wife marriages except for the sex of the partners. 5)      Children acquired by persons in same-sex relationships don’t have excess problems. There are numerous studies refuting the first two points and no credible studies supporting either. There are numerous well-designed large studies which have found that persons with SSA are far more likely that married men and women to suffer from: Psychological disorders Sexual additions and paraphilias Suicidal ideation and attempts Substance abuse and

Defend marriage against Gay civil unions & gay marriage

The defenders of marriage should take advantage of what is known about same-sex attraction ( SSA ), because those promoting the redefinition of marriage have manipulated public opinion by distorting the facts and research. The five main distortions are: 1) Persons with SSA are born that way. 2) Persons with SSA can’t change. 3) Persons with SSA are just as healthy as persons in husband/wife marriages. 4) Same-sex relationships are just like husband/wife marriages except for the sex of the partners. 5) Children acquired by persons in same-sex relationships don’t have excess problems. There are numerous studies refuting the first two points and no credible studies supporting either. There are numerous well-designed large studies which have found that persons with SSA are far more likely that married men and women to suffer from: · Psychological disorders · Sexual additions and paraphilias · Suicidal ideation and attempts · Substance abuse and addiction, including to drugs, a