
Showing posts with the label February 27 2014

Obama’s UN delegation tries to scrap parts of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

NEW YORK , February 27, 2014 ( ) - Angry over not getting a same-sex-friendly definition of the family into a new UN document, the Obama Administration tried to delete language agreed upon by the founders of the UN and repeated in documents since then. Regularly contentious in recent decades, the family has been a diplomatic football with one side eager to recognize “diverse forms of the family” while the other holds on to the understanding that the family is the “natural and fundamental group unit of society” taken directly from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . Behind closed doors, US negotiators asked to replace the definition of family from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with a lengthy new description of families that have “diverse forms and functions” and express “diversity of individual preferences.” The proposed definition excluded the notion of the natural family, based on the union of a man and woman, as the norm for the procreation