
Showing posts with the label gay questions

What Would Jesus Say to a Gay Couple Today?

“Suppose there were two gay men right here in this room — men who loved each other. Suppose Jesus walked into the room right now. What do you think He would say to them?” A friend of mine was asked that question not long ago. It’s a great question, and the answer he gave was brilliant. It’s a great question because Jesus’ opinion matters, and because there’s a lot of confusion over what He would say. We know that God is love, and that His first commandments are to love Him and one another. Some say that’s all you need to know; that love is a value higher than all others, higher even than truth . So if these men want to love each other, certainly Jesus would bless them for it, right? We know, too, that Jesus wouldn’t reject the men. He associated with every kind of “sinner,” while rebuking the “smug religionists,” as I like to call them; the hypocrites who thought they were better than everyone else. So we know that Jesus would engage with them with warmth and love, and He wou

30 Questions and Answers on Homosexuality and the Bible

Question 1: Aren't Christians being selective with Old Testament law when they appeal to it with respect to homosexuality, while ignoring Old Testament commands about clothing, food, etc.? In some sense, yes, because we are singling out the moral law, which is exactly what the New Testament trains us to do. The book of Acts distinctly separates the ceremonial and liturgical laws from the moral law. The Lord told Peter not to distinguish between clean and unclean animals any longer (Acts 10:9-16). At the same time, the Jerusalem Council clearly confirmed the continuation of the moral law (Acts 15). Paul tells us the gospel is for the Gentiles as well as for the Jews, which obliterates that distinction in the holiness code. Nevertheless, Paul regularly returns to the moral law of the Old Testament to show and defend the character of righteous living in general and the commandments against same-sex acts in particular. If we still depended on the Levitical code