
Showing posts with the label Chalke

Liberal ‘Christians’ like Steve Chalke leading homosexuals into hell: Christian counselor

LONDON , January 31, 2013 ( ) – The office of Rev. Steve Chalke , the UK pastor who recently gained notoriety by his support for “gay marriage,” has reportedly been “swamped” with phone calls. A self-defined evangelical Christian pastor calling for Christians to accept homosexuality or same-sex attraction itself is such a novelty that the mainstream media has flooded the internet with the story. Chalke had said that the real problem of the gay community is not their self-identification, but with the rampant promiscuity that harms them physically and spiritually. The solution, he said, is for Christians to “consider nurturing positive models for permanent and monogamous homosexual relationships .” Lesley Pilkington But one Christian counselor in the UK who famously lost her license for offering therapy to clients with unwanted same-sex attraction, has responded to Chalke saying that people suffering from unwanted same-sex attraction know full well that th