
Showing posts with the label offensive

Can You Stand for Truth Without Being Offensive?

I often speak on controversial subjects: homosexuality and transgenderism. These aren’t topics that are casually brought up over Christmas dinner and calmly discussed with out-of-town family. That’s why believers often ask me how they can stand for truth on controversial topics without being offensive. Here are three quick things I tell them. Grace First, I’m grateful for their concern to avoid being crass and offensive. I see too many believers who don’t care at all — or at least appear to not care. They use the truth like a club to beat people over the head. Grace? What grace? That’s for Christ to extend to non-believers, they say. But believers should do whatever they can to communicate the truth in a winsome and gracious way. Scripture identifies them as ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). That means they represent Jesus with their life. How they come across to other people will be a reflection upon the good name of Jesus. Believers, therefore, should strive to speak in a warm, f

Is the Bible’s Teaching about Homosexuality Offensive?

Male and Female, God Created Them The Bible is unequivocal on the question of homosexual sex. First, men sleeping with men is prohibited in Jewish law (e.g., Lev. 18:22; 20:13). This does not prove the case for Christians. Many Old Testament laws are specifically declared not binding in the New Testament (for example, food restrictions). But the logic of opposite-sex marriage and the prohibition on homosexual sex are reaffirmed multiple times.1 Let’s start with Jesus’s framework . Jesus is sometimes caricatured as a prophet of free love, unconcerned about sexual ethics. But his teaching on sexual morality was consistently stricter than the Old Testament law.2 For instance when the Pharisees asked Jesus whether a man may divorce his wife “for any cause,” he replied: Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one fles