
Showing posts with the label Will & Grace

Born Gay: No way unless you're Lady Gaga?

English: Gaga perfoming "Born This Way" on GMA (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A PREGNANT woman who is "having a lesbian " is an illogical immoral in your face new billboard to promote homosexual marriage . The LGBT community with no evidence continues to push the lie that people from normal families should support immoral choice based homosexual marriage, because they have decided that homosexual children are "born that way". The LGBT community seem to have a conclusion on the nature / nurture argument that nobody in the scientific community has.... "Being lesbian or gay is not a choice.  It's got nothing to do with culture or parenting skills.  It's just the way you are. You're born that way." This idea that people are born homosexual is popular among the under 30's pop culture, with Lady Gaga , Will & Grace etc, with no scientific thought at all, but seek to redress immoral sinful choices as "born that way."