
Showing posts with the label Brook

Porn the only place homosexual youth see homosexual sex portrayed ‘positively’: UK ‘sex health’ charity head

LONDON , August 26, 2013 ( ) – One of Britain’s largest government-sponsored youth “sexual health” charities and strongest promoters of abortion, artificial contraception and homosexuality and other immoral acts, has expressed doubts about government plans to provide optional blockers to internet porn, saying that young people can sometimes only get the sex education they need via porn. Brook’s Chief Executive, Simon Blake, wrote in the homosexual newspaper  PinkNews  last week that while online porn is “inadequate” as sex ed for homosexuals youth, it could be seen as better than nothing. Simon Blake It “is clearly not good enough, and has to change,” Blake wrote. “It is our shared responsibility to ensure pornography is not their first, only or main source of information.” But until the current “woefully inadequate” school Sex and Relationships Education programs are made more gay inclusive, porn can be “one of the first places they see their sexuality r