
Showing posts with the label Semitic

Isn't homosexuality just like normal heterosexuality?

People who engage in homosexual behavior are normal in many ways. Like anyone else, they have friends and family, they work and play, they love and hate, and have fears and dreams.  But it seems strange to admit that  everything  about homosexuality is normal. Indeed, it’s hard to say any class of people is normal in every way. For example, I’m Assyrian. My people are normal in many ways, but there are also many things about us that are abnormal (or just downright weird). We have genetic differences – we are a Semitic people . Our language is extremely uncommon. We have an over-active hair hormone (much to the chagrin of female Assyrians). Our food is strange to my friends and when people see my relatives talk, they think we’re shouting at each other (which we are, but that’s how we talk). We’re not normal in every way. The same is true of homosexuals. They are normal in many ways, but there are also things about them that are not. They just occur in different categories than