
Showing posts with the label Humanae Vitae

False sensitivity: ‘Misleading’ people on sexual morals is not ‘loving’

St. Peter's Basilica at Early Morning (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Canada and the West is in a crisis caused by ideologies that oppose the institution of marriage and the family, said Ottawa Catholic Archbishop Terrence Prendergast at a conference on the family on the weekend. “At the root of it is, as Pope Benedict called it, the Dictatorship of Relativism. We don’t get to make the rules. God makes the rules. Or rather, God has designed us beautifully, and written his plan for our happiness in our hearts and on our bodies,” he said to participants at the conference which took place at Dominican University College in Ottawa. Prendergast alluded to a movement within the Church to have her change her teachings on sexual morality in order to accommodate people living in objective states of disorder, calling the motivation behind it a “false sensitivity or tolerance which suggests it’s good to allow people to continue down a dangerous path.” “As if misleading people is

UK Liberal Catholic Newspaper abandon fight against ‘gay marriage’

ROME , March 5, 2013 ( ) – The Catholic Church in Britain, and presumably abroad, must abandon its fight against “gay marriage” and “make peace with the gay world and move on.” So says The Tablet , Britain’s “international Catholic weekly” magazine, sold across the country in Catholic parishes and often endorsed by the Catholic bishops. The fight over marriage, the magazine’s editor said, is largely over within the Church, with over half of Westminster Catholic MPs voting in favor of the government’s “gay marriage” bill last month. Citing a U.S. poll that found more Catholics than non-Catholics supported “gay marriage,” the editorial said, “These results rather scotch the idea that Catholics are mindless zombies who do whatever the bishops tell them to.” “There is no more mileage in this issue for the Catholic Church,” the editorial continued, “and the sensible course would be to put it on the back burner with the heat turned low – to make peace with the ga