
Showing posts with the label Juris Doctor

Opposing same-sex marriage: a civil decision, not a religious one

August 8, 2012 ( - Let’s start with what actually constitutes hate. Westboro Baptist Church is not at all coy about the word “hate,” so much so, in fact, that they even decorate their signs and websites with the word. On the opposite side, though, actress Rosanne Barr tweeted last week, “anyone who eats S***-Fil-A deserves to get the cancer…” The vast majority of people who oppose same-sex marriage ( SSM ) are anything but hateful. In fact, when people accuse SSM opponents of being hateful, they usually employ two logical fallacies : an ad-hominem attack against the person instead of the argument, and a straw-man fallacy , misrepresenting the position as one that stems from emotional bias rather than reasoned arguments. But there are reasoned, legal arguments against SSM. In order to understand them, one must understand the state’s interest in institutionalized marriage, which is the creation and maintenance of the most stable known family unit. While I coul