
Showing posts with the label Americans

Is redefining marriage wrong? - Yes

English: Sigmund Freud (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Over eighty years ago, the influential psychologist Sigmund Freud wrote his seminal work which would come to be known in the English translation as Civilization and Its Discontents . No one familiar with the book could deny its influence on our culture or the fact that it has shaped the mindset regarding sexual ethics that informs many members of the movement to redefine marriage. In one of its most often quoted lines, Freud posits that "what decides the purpose of life is simply the program of the pleasure principle ." Certainly it is unquestionable that much of our culture's confusion regarding marriage is due to following that precise train of thought — the pleasure principle. Redefining Marriage And Its Consequences The push to redefine marriage is about substituting the desires of adults for the needs of children. The push to redefine marriage is about substituting an imagined 'right' for sam

How sinful homosexuality became popular in the US.

This article outlines how homosexuals progressed to the point of achieving homosexual marriage  in the USA. It is worth reading to understand how sin got changed into a virtue - how words were changed. How Hollywood and politicians changed their minds.  You can also read the faulty logic that was used then promoted but not questioned. How science, evolution, common sense were all ignored. For example; the false argument saying historical inter-racial marriage was banned just like homosexual marriage. But the two cannot be compared at all as inter-racial marriage is still heterosexual whereas homosexual is male to male or female to female plus others because it is built on lust.  You'll note how language changed - negative phrases such as antigay - seeking to demonise those who disagree as bigots and haters. Why a small number of judges have given themselves the rights to change historic understanding of marriage based on an inheritance case. How Presidents led their

APA researcher explodes myth: Gays aren’t ‘born that way’

A top researcher with the American Psychological Association (APA) and lesbian activist has acknowledged that gays are not "born that way." Dr. Lisa Diamond, co-editor-in-chief of the APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology and one of the APA’s “most respected members," says sexual orientation is "fluid" and not unchangeable. As clinical psychologist Dr. Laura A. Haynes  summarizes  Diamond's APA Handbook chapters, her book and YouTube lectures, "The battle to disprove 'Born that way and can’t change’ is now over, and (Diamond) is telling LGBT activists to stop promoting the myth." Contrary to the typical argument that homosexuals are "born gay" as "who they are" and cannot change, the APA officially recognized sexual orientation change in 2011. Diamond summarized relevant findings in a lecture at Cornell University (2013), stating that abundant research has now established that sexual orientation — in

Why North Carolina Judges Can Still Refuse to Perform Same-Sex Marriages

North Carolina is one of the   only places   in the United States where judges can refuse to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies. If magistrates have a religious objection to same-sex marriage, state law says, they can tag themselves out of issuing any marriage licenses, for either gay or straight couples, for at least six months. In the past year, various groups have sued the state over religious accommodations for North Carolina judges. But as two decisions this week show, they haven’t been very successful so far. Before North Carolina passed its exemption law, two judges, Gilbert Breedlove and Thomas Holland, sued a state administrative office for telling them that they had to perform same-sex marriages. They had asked for religious accommodation, but officials refused to give it, so they resigned from their respective posts. Although the legislature later addressed this issue by specifically putting a religious exemption for judges in place, Breedlove and Holland kept pursu

This man says he went from homosexual ‘sex-addict’ to ‘total chastity’. Here’s why. (VIDEO)

ORLANDO, FL , February 11, 2015 ( ) -- Paul Darrow thought he had it all, living a glamorous gay-lifestyle in New York as an international male super model. Life was Darrow’s oyster and he grasped at every thrill it had to offer. “I traveled all over Europe and the United States . I was always in glamorous careers with movie stars and famous models, going to all the ‘in’ spots like Studio 54 in New York. It was just a beautiful life. I was not unhappy, at least I did not feel unhappy. I felt I had the world by the tail,” Darrow  told  LifeSiteNews. LifeSiteNews caught up with Darrow and Father Paul Check, executive director of Courage International , earlier this month where Darrow spoke at the Legatus conference of Catholic business executives. According to Darrow, the lifestyle instilled in him a “frantic” appetite for sex that became more insatiable the more he tried to satisfy it. He eventually moved through thousands of men in pursuit of a fulfillment tha

The March for traditional Marriage

The essential purpose behind the March for Marriage is to send a clear and vital message to marriage advocates nationwide, and particularly to the many young people around our nation who may sometimes feel rather alone in holding on to the values of marriage and family passed down to them in their upbringing. That message is:  Countless millions of your fellow citizens SHARE your values! Take heart and stand with them! While much of the talk and effort in the marriage movement naturally focuses on our leaders occupying the halls of power and the ivory towers shaping public opinion from within the media and the academy,  here in America we believe in the strength of the ordinary citizen to change society for the better. The greatest political storm flutters only a fringe of humanity, but an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children will literally alter the destiny of nations. — GK Chesterton As a result, I firmly believe that the greatest asset in the