
Showing posts with the label John J. McNeill

Homosexuality = Sin but forgiveness and restoration is yours!

Q. What is homosexuality? Homosexuality is the manifestation of sexual desire toward a member of one's own sex or the erotic activity with a member of the same sex. (The Greek word homos means the same). A lesbian is a female homosexual. More recently the term "gay" has come into popular use to refer to both sexes who are homosexuals. Q. How does one determine if the practice of homosexuality is right or wrong? That depends upon who is answering the question. The Christian point of view is based solely upon the Bible, the divinely inspired Word of God. A truly Christian standard of ethics is the conduct of divine revelation, not of statistical research nor of public opinion. For the Christian, the Bible is the final authority for both belief and behaviour. Q. What explicitly does the Bible teach about homosexuality? This question I consider to be basic because, if we accept God's Word on the subject of homosexuality, we benefit from His adequate answer