
Showing posts with the label Erick Erickson

Should the Government force people against their conscience to servegays

Conservative pundit Erick Erickson says that " Jesus Christ would absolutely bake a cake for a gay person."* In fact, he says that if any Christian owns "a bakery or a florist shop or a photography shop or a diner," then he or she "should no more be allowed to deny service to a gay person than to a black person." In his telling, almost everyone agrees. "The disagreement comes on one issue only—should a Christian provide goods and services to a gay wedding ," he says. "That’s it. We’re not talking about serving a meal at a restaurant. We’re not talking about baking a cake for a birthday party. We’re talking about a wedding, which millions of Christians view as a sacrament of the faith and other, mostly Protestant Christians , view as a relationship ordained by God to reflect a holy relationship." He continues: This slope is only slippery if you grease it with hypotheticals not in play. There are Christians who have no problem prov

Speak truth, show compassion: Christians and homosexuality

English: Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) An article in the latest issue of the Atlantic Monthly describes how churches affiliated with Unitarian/Universalist and Episcopal denominations have embraced same-sex relationships. But the embrace isn’t limited to liberal churches. For many younger evangelicals, “you can believe homosexuality is a sin and still believe that same-sex marriage should be legal.” Others take it one step further and say things like “Is Homosexuality a sin? I. Do. Not. Care.” As Erick Erickson of Red put it, younger evangelicals “want the world to like them and to think them a part of the world.” For them, remaining silent about these issues is part of what it means to love your neighbor. Well, Al Mohler begs to differ. In a recent piece on his website, Mohler asked “can we count on evangelicals to remain steadfastly biblical on [the issue of homosexuality]?” His reply: “Not hardly.” He n