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NEW AUSTRALIAN POLL: A child's right to a mum & dad trumps right to gay 'marriage' & parenting

SUMMARY FINDINGS · By a margin of three to one, Australians agree we should try to ensure that children, where possible, are raised by their own mother and father. · By a margin of three to one, Australians agree that the right to marry includes the right to create a family . · By a margin of three to one, Australians think it is more important that a child should have a mum and dad than that two men should have the right to marry and create a family. · By a margin of three to one, Coalition voters would be "MUCH LESS likely" to vote for an MP who supports same-sex marriage. SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS Society is faced with an inescapable choice.

Same-sex 'marriage' forces us to choose between giving priority to: · children's rights to have both a mum and dad · homosexual adults' claims to marry and create a family. Faced with this choice, Australians overwhelmingly give priority to the rights of the child, not the right

Satan and Sodomy by John Piper

Gustave Doré, Depiction of Satan, the antagonist of John Milton's Paradise Lost c. 1866 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The supernatural monster who orchestrates the kidnapping, enslaving, and thousand-fold drugging, selling, raping, and killing of girls around the globe, is the same one who has masterminded the murderous cultural delusion — from the highest court to the lowest porn-flick — that the practice of sodomy is delightful, not deadly. Among the several, carefully-chosen, understated, inflammatory words in that sentence, let’s start with “monster.” I’m talking about Satan . We do not feel what we ought to about this fiend. In Revelation 12:9 he is called “the great dragon that ancient serpent , who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world.” The scope and horror of this being is hinted at with images. He is not a mere garden snake. His tail sweeps down a third of the stars. He crouches at Bethlehem to devour the new-born Son of God (Revelation 12

Kenyan president rebukes Obama’s gay rights message

President Obama on Saturday made an personal plea for gay rights during his visit to Kenya, warning that “bad things happen” when countries discriminate against certain groups of people . “As an African-American in the United States , I am painfully aware of the history of what happens when people are treated differently under the law,” Obama added during a joint press conference with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta . “I’m unequivocal on this.” But Obama’s call for universal gay rights was quickly dismissed by Kenyatta, who described the issue as something “our culture, our society does not accept.” “For Kenyans today, the issue of gay rights is really a non-issue. We want to focus on other areas that are day-to-day living for our people,” he said, citing heath concerns and women’s rights. “This issue is not really an issue that is on the foremost of mind for Kenyans, and that is a fact," he said to some applause. Kenyatta’s comments represent the views of the vast major

Questions About Homosexuality and the Bible

The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah, a painting by John Martin (painter), died 1854, thus 100 years. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) QUESTIONS REGARDING homosexuality and the Bible are most frequently asked for good reason: They are most important.  Some of these questions also touch on how homosexuality is treated in traditional Jewish and Christian literature and in ancient Greek and Roman law codes. Page references accompanying each answer point to relevant passages in this volume. Each question is answered from the two perspectives in this controversy . The revisionist answers are taken from writings of key defenders of this view. Their positions are represented as fairly as possible in this brief format. For differentiation, the two sides are identified as The Revisionist Answer (or Claim) and The Biblical Answer . At one point the Jewish response is noted. This format is used with the awareness that some revisionists also argue that they hold the biblical position. It sho

Girl Scouts start new troop in ‘gay pride’ center, invite ‘LGBT’ families and boys living as girls to join

SALT LAKE CITY, UT , April 17, 2015 ( ) -- The Girl Scouts are  once again  kicking up controversy with their “progressive” approach to sexuality, this time by starting a brand new troop aimed at gay and lesbian families and boys who consider themselves “transgender” – in other words, boys who believe they are girls trapped in biologically male bodies. "As long as a youth identifies as a girl or with girls, even if they are genderfluid on the day that they registered, then they can become a Girl Scout," said Shari Solomon-Klebba, the Utah Girl Scout outreach coordinator responsible for Salt Lake City’s first sexuality-based troop, in an interview with KUTV . The troop had its first meeting on Monday at the homosexual “ Utah Pride Center ” in socially conservative Salt Lake City – home of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (more frequently referred to as Mormonism), which has repeatedly clashed with gay activists over its traditional

References to Sodom in Ezekiel 16 speak about homosexual acts

Sodom and Gomorrha, Alte Pinakothek, Room 23 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) To understand how the destruction of Sodom was interpreted later, we must turn to Ezekiel ’s reference. According to the revisionist view, Ezekiel 16 lists the sins of Sodom categorically and finds them less serious than the sexual sins of Jerusalem . Revisionists point to verses 48–49. There, they say, we find that Sodom’s sins were pride, gluttony, idleness, and neglect (or, according to Edwards, oppression) of the poor and needy.68 The passage does not mention homosexuality. However, Boswell and Bailey and others interpret these two verses incorrectly because they fail to consider their context, especially verse 50.69 In the passage, Ezekiel compares Jerusalem with her two sisters, the elder Samaria and the younger Sodom. He finds that Jerusalem, is worse than either of the others (note 16:47–52). Sodom obviously is a figurative term here, probably a reference to Judah as a whole.70 Ezekiel 16:2 sets forth

The Homosexuality argument: Inhospitable VS Gay rape in Sodom

English: Lot and his daughters flee Sodom, as in Genesis 19:17, illustration from "Sunrays" published 1908 by the Providence Lithograph Company (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In regard to Genesis 19 , revisionist interpreters adopt the view that the destruction of Sodom was due to the city’s inhospitality, the violence of the people toward the two visitors sent from God. The cause of destruction was not general wickedness, homosexual rape, or homosexual lust. Homosexual relations became the interpretation as a result of myths popularized in the early Christian church , Boswell claims. Rather, Genesis 19 condemns inhospitality to strangers or general violence or is an allegory “only tangentially related to sexuality.”20 He argues that his view is that which modern scholarship increasingly favors, mainly as a result of the influence of Bailey’s work. The men of Sodom merely wanted to “know” the strangers received by Lot, to inspect their passports, as it were.21 The Terms of