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Is God opposed to homosexuality?

The Sacrifice of the Old Covenant (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) God expresses vehement enmity against lawbreakers in Leviticus 18–20. Those who transgress these laws will have God’s punishment visited upon the defiled land (18:25). They will be cut off (experience premature death) from among their people (18:29; cf. 20:3–5).117 God will abhor them (20:23). We have sufficient reasons to view the prohibitions of homosexuality in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 as universal. The context of Leviticus, the nature of the form of the chapters, the terms employed, the use of the passage and the terms in the New Testament and in mishnaic tradition, and the form of punishment called for all argue for this conclusion.  In addition, there are enough references to homosexuality among other ancient peoples to contradict the view that such evidence is inadequate or moot. It occurred in Babylon (Gilgamesh Epic), Persia, India, China, and Egypt, where even the gods indulged in it. Finally, Assyrian an