
Showing posts with the label Mental Health

Authors of study showing benefits of ‘gender-affirming’ treatment issue ‘correction,’ admit they’re wrong

The authors of a study who claimed “gender-reassignment” procedures brought mental health benefits issued a correction to their 2019 findings, admitting that those who have had “gender-reassignment” surgery “were more likely to be treated for anxiety disorders.” The study, published October 4, 2019 in the American Journal of Psychiatry, purported to show that “gender-affirmation” treatment improves transgender mental health . The study utilized data from the Swedish Total Population Register, with information from more than 9.7 million Swedes, or about 95 percent of the country. The claimed findings from the study led to headlines in mainstream media outlets proclaiming things like “Long-Term Mental Health Benefits of Gender-Affirming Surgery for Transgender Individuals” (American Psychiatric Association), “Sex-reassignment surgery yields long-term mental health benefits” (NBC News), and “Transgender surgery linked with better long-term mental health, study shows” (ABC News).  

Anger, errors and tensions at the Supreme Court during fake LGBTQ rights case

SCHOOLYARD FIGHT - JUSTICES FAIL THE PEOPLE WITH WISDOM When the Supreme Court extended the 1964 Civil Rights Act to gay and lesbian workers in a June ruling, the justices also protected transgender employees but made it open season on all religious people, religious bodies, and any individual who don't bow to LGBT tyranny. They made a grave error and betrayed common sense by bowing to the extreme voices and pressure of LGBT zealots who are also some Supreme justices.  THE ERRORS MADE WILL ENFLAME LGBT ZEALOTS But the case did not start out that way. In their private conference room in October with only the nine and no law clerks, the justices debated whether and how to provide the same anti-bias coverage for 1 million transgender workers, according to multiple sources familiar with the inner workings of the court. THE ERRORS MADE WILL BURN RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS Some justices raised concerns related to religious interests and shared bathrooms, the sources said. But even

Why we don't hear more about LGBTQ Health Hazards

Psychologist A. Dean Byrd stated: On the issue of risks of homosexual practices, the national [health] organizations have become reckless guardians of the public health. The failure to report morbidity and mortality rates associated with homosexual practices should be cause for governmental scrutiny. The furthering of an agenda – no matter whose agenda – must not be placed above the lives of those whose interests must be protected. Activism must not be placed above science in informing public policy. It is an injustice to homosexual men and women to allow activism, including accusations of homophobia, to silence discussion of health risks or to suppress research. A civil society has an obligation to implement policies that promote the health and well-being of its citizens. In the early 1970s, sexual-radical activists subverted the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association and forced the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental

Transgender changed from mental health issue to happy lifestyle choice?

The World Health Organization took what many doctors believe is a backward and harmful step towards removing the 'mental health stigma' around transgender people because the WHO was under pressure to reclassify transgenderism away from mental and behavioral disorders. The exact same events happened with homosexuality with APA - where a vote was taken (on science) because of pressure from homosexuals outside APA and some inside. So why change? That's answer...just ideological pressure and nothing else. Here is the big lie: "It was taken out from mental health disorders because we had a better understanding that this was not actually a mental health condition, and leaving it there was causing stigma." said Dr. Lale Say, a WHO reproductive health expert. So what is the better understanding? Again...silence. Why was it a mental health issue in the first place because the person was confused identity leading to mental health issues. But now o

I was saved by God’s grace: former transgender shares how he left the LGBTQ lifestyle

According to the mainstream media, people like Jeffrey McCall don’t exist. The mainstream media insists people don’t leave the LGBT lifestyle. However, McCall is one of many who are standing up to share their stories of leaving that life behind and moving ahead in the grace of God. In episode 19 of The Van Maren Show, McCall talks about the moment he decided to literally throw his transgender identity into a dumpster and walk away forever.  Jeffrey McCall is the co-founder and CEO of Freedom March and CEO of For Such A Time Ministry. He also authored a memoir-style book titled, “For Such A Time,” which chronicles his personal journey. McCall began experiencing same-sex attraction when he was 12 years old and began to live out that lifestyle by the age of 15. When he reached his late-20's, McCall began to believe he was transgender and needed to “transition” to a woman.  McCall details the moment he heard from God and how he moved from being on the fast-track to “becoming”

LGBT forces WHO to change Gender Identity Disorder from list of mental illnesses - happiness

The World Health Organization (WHO) has removed Gender Identity Disorder from its list of mental illnesses because they came under pressure from LGBT (Human Right Watch) who  reject the use of the term "mental health" even though they suffer from biological confusion.  So LGBT bullies an organization to align with its non-biological ideology!  According to Human Rights Watch, the change was finalized on Friday, March 25 at the 72nd World Health Assembly, the WHO’s chief decision-making body. The elimination of Gender Identity Disorder as a pathology was part of the eleventh revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11). The WHO indicated that the revised catalogue will come into effect in January 2022. Why change it?  The LGBT rights director at Human Rights Watch celebrated the revision to the ICD-11,  saying  it would have a ...... “Liberating effect.  The WHO’s removal of ‘gender identity disorder’

Transgender Identity May Have Cost a Baby Its Life

Some things are debatable. Other things are not. One of the things that is not debatable is biology. Males do have not uteruses. Females do. Males cannot conceive and carry babies. Only females can. Males do not have monthly periods, nor do they go through menopause. Only females do. This is not debatable. There are differences between male and female  brains . Differences between male and female  anatomy . Differences between male and female gene expression ( 6,500 differences , to be exact, according to recent research). That’s why, when it comes to checking into a hospital, how you identify does not matter. What matters is your biology. When it comes to checking into a hospital, how you identify does not matter. What matters is your biology. Strokes  affect women differently than men. Women and men  metabolize  certain drugs differently. That’s why a health care worker told me last year that, when it comes to filling out medical forms for incoming patients,

The Evil Too Few Have Seen Behind Transgenderism’s Mind Control

There’s a witch in C. S. Lewis’s  The Silver Chair,  the “Queen of the Underland,” whose words and magically convince the story’s heroes that the world above ground isn’t real. This mind-control magic shows up often in fairy tales and fantasy stories. And it’s always an evil witch or wizard who’s responsible — because it’s always wrong to force your thoughts, your views, your “reality” on another, allowing them no resistance. Which is exactly the sort of evil you see being practiced in today’s transgender movement? I’m frankly shocked more people aren’t calling activists to account for it. Maybe we’re not reading enough stories. Think of it: When a man says, “I’m actually a woman,” those words aren’t merely supposed to change your view of him. They’re supposed to change  reality  — for everyone. He is now a woman, a reality that comes into being simply through the power of his words. We must speak to him as a woman, see him as one, think of him as one. We must consider him as

Fined $55,000 for Calling a Male a Male

We told you this was coming. We warned you it would happen. We were not crying wolf. We were telling you the truth. And now it is here, as a headline  announces : “Canadian tribunal fines Bill Whatcott $55,000 for expressing Christian views on ‘transgenderism.’” In other words, Whatcott called a biological male (who identifies as a female) a “biological male.” That was his crime. What a miscarriage of justice. What an assault of freedom of speech and expression. John Carpay, president of the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedom, defended Whatcott,  noting  in protest that, “The Supreme Court of Canada has long held that freedom of expression is the lifeblood of democracy.” But not when it crosses the lines of transgender activism. Freedom halts there. Carpay added, “Society is full of people with diverse views and the Tribunal’s decision undermines the foundational principles of the free society and jeopardizes the health of Canada’s democracy.” Silencing Opposition

Court orders girl to have testosterone injections without parental consent

The overload of media in the modern age has made it difficult to distinguish between the significant and the merely sensational. Sometimes, especially in this morally confused age, a story turns out to be both significant and sensational. That happened in Canada this past week—a story that bears enormous moral consequences and is utterly scandalous in its content. Jeremiah Keenan, a reporter for the Federalist, documented a decision last Wednesday in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. The court ordered that a 14-year-old girl receive testosterone injections without parental consent. The court also declared that if either of her parents referred to her using female pronouns or addressed her by her birth name, the parents could be charged with family violence. Evidently, the girl’s school counselor encouraged her to identify as a boy as early as the seventh grade. When Maxine—the name used in the Federalist article—turned 13, Dr. Brenden Hursh and his colleagues at the British Colum