
Showing posts with the label University of Westminster

The illusion of Homosexuality

University of Westminster (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A study by the University of Westminster ( UK ) indicated that 8 out of 10 young gay men in London have had unprotected sex with a stranger. The research findings were extraordinary as two men are infected with HIV in London every day. One 25 year old, who was interviewed for the project, said: “I was recently diagnosed with HIV and I blame my lifestyle for it.” Another young man, now 24 years old, who contracted HIV at 16, said: “It was my own fault. I would never have imagined that my first sexual encounter could have such consequences. I was in love and even though it did cross my mind, I thought he did not look like somebody with HIV.” What this very sad and tragic study reveals: is that nothing the gay community offers, or had tried in the past, is working. Since the 1970s, they have attempted to reach a healing state of nirvana through: group camaraderie, sexual excess, political action, a push for social acceptance,