
Showing posts with the label Social Security Administration

Obama administration cranks up executive actions to give gays government benefits

WASHINGTON, D.C. , December 20, 2013 ( ) – As Congress goes home for Christmas,  the Obama administration is now using executive powers  and other regulatory policies to benefit homosexuals. This week, the Social Security Administration   announced  that it is starting to give homosexual couples “survivor benefits,” formerly reserved for heterosexual couples who were legally married. Such benefits were  intended to benefit lifelong stay-at-home mothers upon their death of the family breadwinner . The Obama administration is currently limiting benefit recipients to those who have been “married” in a state where homosexual relationships are legal. This may change to incorporate couples in states where homosexuals cannot get “married.” Last week, Education Secretary Arne Duncan   continued  the administration's efforts to help gay couples with student loans. Duncan  said  the administration would not differentiate between “married” homosexuals and wedded h

What Caused Me to Have SSA? Part 6 – Does it Really Matter

Does it Really Matter? Introduction Since there is no definitive explanation of how any male  actually  develops same-sex attractions ( SSA ), does it even matter  how these attractions originated?  For example, does a sugar diabetic actually need to know how his digestive system works, in order to learn what not to eat – if he wants to stay healthy?  So, does it  really   matter what caused your same-sex  attractions ? Well – no. And, yes. It is  not  essential for a man to know what caused his ssa in order for him to live a life of sexual purity and peace.  What  is  essential is that the ssa man understand that it truly is possible to have a life of sexual purity and peace – and how he can obtain that! Well, then, why  does  it matter what he thinks caused his ssa?  Because what he  thinks  caused his ssa will either help his advancement – or impair it. Discussion How His Understanding of the “ Cause ” Can  Hurt  His Advancement A well-meaning – but under-informed – counselor (o