
Showing posts with the label Big Government

US mainstream media ignore arrest of gay activist and Democratic donor

Terry Bean has made media and political waves as a co-founder of the gay “rights” group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and a major fundraiser and bundler for President Obama and other prominent Democrats. He has been a hugely influential figure in the Obama administration’s decision to change how the federal government looks at marriage. Changes include a statement by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder that state Attorneys General   could ignore state marriage amendments ,  an Executive Order  in 2014 that gives LGBT Americans the same worker protections as women and racial minorities for federal employees and contractors, and the elimination of single-sex classrooms and schools if they receive federal funding. Additionally, the Obama administration has declared that Medicare funding  can be used for transgender surgeries . Given this influence, you might expect U.S. media to intensely focus on the dramatic legal proceedings that have taken place since November, when  Bean was

Homosexual Bullies and Democrats

English: Another version of the same-sex marriage map. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) When history looks back on the 2012-2013 legislative year, I believe it will be remembered as the year Americans realized the same-sex marriage movement for what it truly is:  a bullying behemoth that puts the very foundations of our democracy at stake. Right now, living through it all, it's been a somewhat discouraging year for believers in true marriage. We've seen a few narrow losses in some close, hard-fought battles. In some ways, the deck was stacked against us in these states — all of which were deep blue and controlled by Democrats , most with super majorities. But the "low hanging fruit" for the other side is gone. Now we have the chance to make sure the wave of same-sex marriage momentum crests and rolls back. That story is  ours  to write: this is  your  time, along with countless other pro-marriage Americans, to make history. From the earliest days of the marri