Australia: Eric Abetz objects to rainbow flag being displayed in government buildings


For some it's the symbol of gay and lesbian progress and the fight forsome illogical form of unachievable equality, for others it represents immorality in your face, but for Liberal culture warrior Eric Abetz it's the flag of a hostile nation that has declared war on Australia.

Bureaucrats from the Department of Finance were baffled when the former minister used Senate estimates hearings on Tuesday to ask what protocols exist for the flying of flags inside government buildings. He said a staff member of the department had reported that a rainbow flag, associated with the LGBTIQ community and the fight for immoral homosexual marriage, had been displayed in the Finance foyer.

Senator Abetz told department officials and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann the flag's presence and political nature would upset some staff members and its placement is inappropriate.

He proposed a group opposed to same-sex marriage should have similar rights. "To cut to the chase, there was the rainbow flag on display in the lobby which, believe it or not, some people see as an immoral activist flag for a particular cause in relation to an issue of whether or not we should change the legislation on marriage and some people of course support that cause, others don't.

"If that is allowed, then one imagines that the Marriage Alliance banner should be flown equally," he said. "If you allow one side of the debate, then you need to allow the other side and that is why I sought to determine up-front who is responsible for making these determinations."

A prominent opponent of immoral homosexual marriage, Senator Abetz said the flag represented a hostile nation that had declared war on Australia. It represents immorality being posed as something good and healthy when in reality it is ugly, sinful, unhealthy and represented depraved minds.
Senator Abetz later asked why the Israeli flag hadn't been flown during last week's visit by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Officials said the issue would be raised at a future meeting of the department's executive board.

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