
Showing posts with the label Francis Collins

Homosexual Truths hidden by Gay activist

E nglish: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Homosexuality is not a genetically-determined ,unchangeable trait. Dr. Francis Collins , Director of the Genome Project , has stated that while homosexuality may be genetically influenced, it is “… not hardwired by DNA , and (that) whatever genes are involved represent predispositions, not predetermination[s].” He also states that “…the prominent role of individual free will choices have a profound effect on us.”1 Homosexual attraction is determined by a combination of familial, environmental, social and biological influences. Inheritance of predisposing personality traits may play a role for some. Consequently, homosexual attraction is changeable. Contrary to the “born that way” myth, the scientific evidence links homosexuality to social and parental influences… combined in varying degrees with biological predisposition in some people. Sexual orienta

No one is born gay

This image shows the coding region in a segment of eukaryotic DNA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) It is reasonable to assume that sexual behavior--in any and all of its manifestation—is directed by the activity of many, possibly hundred of genes. But the exact and specific type of sexual expression is also influenced by countless environmental forces that interact with the genes in complex ways (Hubbard, 1997; Ridley, 2003). Except for the rare physical abnormalities (such as Huntington’s Disease ) at the present time, there is no evidence of a direct causative link between a single gene and complex psycho-social behavior such as sexual preference (Collins, 2006). This is not my opinion but read any book on behavior genetics or molecular biology and the authors will unanimously agree that, at present, there is no gay gene. Lewontin et al. stated this explicitly: “Up to the present time no one has ever been able to relate any aspect of human social behavior to any  particu

Born gay: NO Way!

Image via Wikipedia Author: Dale Oleary Refuting the Distortions Promoted by the GLBTQ Activists Distortion #1: Persons with SSA are born that way In 1995 the  Journal of Homosexuality   published two double issues [1]  in which a number of authors reviewed various theories suggesting a biological causation for SSA – genetic, hormonal, brain structure, sociobiological. The conclusion of the editors: “Current research into possible biological bases of sexual preference has failed to produce any conclusive evidence.” [2]  The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) home page offers a number of articles which latest claims for the “Born that Way” theory. [3] Supporters of the “born-that-way” theory frequently cite a 1993 study by Dean Hamer and associates who claimed to have found a “gay gene.” [4]   However, other scientists have failed to duplicate their results. [5]  And a genome wide study of 465 individuals by Mustanski and associates found no genet