
Showing posts with the label women

Australia: Response to Brad Chilcott - Homosexual, Women and Slaves and the Bible

BRAD CHILCOTT'S  ARGUMENT - BIBLE SUPPORTS HOMOSEXUAL CHURCH LEADERS "Two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul wrote that in Christ there is no male or female, slave or free, Jew or non-Jew. I wonder what social divides he would’ve included were he writing that letter to the church today.  Many churches are struggling with gender inequality, women are unable to preach or take senior leadership positions. Others have changed their interpretation of Scripture in this area and fully include women. Some denominations don’t let divorced people share in leadership and some rituals of the church, like communion.  Many, many churches have decided that LGBTIQ people should not be allowed to have equal participation rights in leadership and ministry. We have a different practice on all these issues because we believe that regardless of gender, sexuality or background there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus and all are loved, welcomed and included equally. All people are w

Slaves, Women and Homosexuals

This article will show that an acceptance of an egalitarian view does not logically move one toward acceptance of a homosexual lifestyle.  Six biblical and theological reasons will serve to illustrate the point: the core value of gender boundaries, the direction of redemptive movement, the vice/virtue and penal-code lists, the lack of canonical variance, biblical purpose statements, and pragmatic clues. A seventh, nontheological reason will highlight egalitarians who are producing major scholarly works against accepting homosexuality. Besides the transcultural core value of gender boundaries, there are a number of other reasons that acceptance of egalitarianism does not logically lead to accepting homosexuality.  One of the clearest hermeneutical reasons for rejecting this logical-acceptance thesis is the dramatic difference in “movement” within biblical homosexuality texts compared to women texts. At this point we need to return to the idea that “movement provides meaning