Australia: Rebellious ex-pastor doesn't want any homosexuals receiving counselling

A single gay rights group in Australia is pushing for psychiatric therapies designed to convert people to heterosexuality to be outlawed. Thereby denying homosexuality as a sin and forcing young people to stay under the burden of a sinful lifestyle and finding no freedom from the homosexual agenda.

Ambassadors and Bridge Builders International is pushing for gay conversion therapy to be made illegal Australia-wide. Sounds like a bigh organization but it is a one man show.

Tony Venn-Brown was once a pastor with the Assemblies of God church, who refused to repent of the sin of homosexuality, turned his back on the Holy Spirit and God's specific words regarding the sin of homosexuality and now pretends he is in a saved state with God. Biblical deception.

Venn Brown says: "It is harmful to people to try and change their sexual orientation, in fact it's not just harmful, it's impossible," he said. 

Yet, the evidence now is clear, no one is born gay, there is no gay gene, kids who are uncertain of their identity get caught into the homosexual agenda and lured into an immoral and very unhealthy lifestyle and find now that old homosexuals don't want them to get out by getting good counselling.

Ven-Brown gives the following faulty example. He says Brisbane man Johan de Joot has spent more than 15 years in counselling, hoping to change his sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. 

He wanted an instant fix which does not exist as heterosexual caught in any form of sinful or sexual lifestyle discover it is a daily walk of discipeship, taking up your cross, denying yourself, making Christ your priority. Daily discipleship not instant fix as this is a spiritual issue of walking in the Spirit daily.

"I went to my pastor and I told him that I was struggling with same-sex attraction and he suggested that homosexuality is an abomination," he said. "So that started a journey for me of basically doing everything I can, in my power to change."

Mr de Joot said he was trying anything he thought might "cure" being gay.

Here is the problem with this thinking. We can't save or change ourselves. God loves us, give us grace when we fail, and we are totally dependent on the Holy Spirit to help us in a broken moments. If this is NOT understood, people end up with completely wrong views about their sin and how God brings healing to their lives.

"I have come to the conclusion it is not a choice I don't think anyone in their right mind would choose to be gay, there's so much hatred in the world towards gay people," he said. Again, this is misplaced anger in that everybody knows homosexuality is a sin and abomination before God that filters down to people. Christians are called to point ALL sinners to Jesus to offer their broken lifestyle choices to Christ and humbly walk with others in discipleship daily to please Christ. If not, they will come up with a justification which is false and can only lead to God rejecting them as spelt out clearly in Romans 1:20

Yet today is the day of grace. God withholds judgement in that homosexuals will repent of their sin. But a day is coming when those all those who have chosen to turn their back on the sacrifice for their sin will find Christ not as a friend but a their judge. 

People should not be listening to the lies being propagated by the Venn-Browns of this fallen world. 

Note Venn-Brown's ignorance regarding homosexual sin. He says "In many churches today and church leaders they have never really researched the whole issue of sexual orientation; they are coming from a biblical perspective," he said.

Well they have, Biblically regardless of poor attempts to try to re-interpret homosexuals sin verses (Bailey 1950's) despite what health experts are saying regarding their lifestyle, regardless of biology and biological functions, we choose to believe God rather than Alfred Kinsley.

Venn-Brown wants the government to change the theology of the Bible and to enforce its view to educate churches 'sexual orientation is not a disorder.'

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