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Signs and wonders in our midst: the transformed lives of former LGBT people

The “straight” world — shorthand for those who do not identify as LGBT — has bought into lies asserting the normalcy of homosexuality, transgenderism, and the redefinition of marriage to such an extent that disagreeing with the new LGBT dogma is no longer just a violation of "political correctness" but is increasingly criminal.   To not honor sodomy is seen as perverse, and to seek to prevent the mutilation of the sexual organs of your children is deemed “child abuse,” an offense that can trigger losing custody of your child.    The “straight” world is lost, having made itself subservient to LGBT masters who have dubbed them “Cisgender,” a term that makes being in harmony with nature sound abnormal. What is the answer for a beguiled world that lacks the requisite intellectual curiosity, allegiance to truth, and will to free itself? Where will it come from?   The beacon that will lead society out of this thick darkness may very well arise from a surprising source: fo

I was once gay

I no longer identify as gay, and none of the drug and alcohol use is part of my life. I am healthier and more fulfilled than ever before. I am from North Carolina and had a great family as a young child, but I grew up being bullied by neighborhood kids and classmates. I was so frequently called names like “gay” and “fag” that I began to believe that must really be who I was. When I was ten, my parents divorced, after which I experienced even deeper hurt as a result of our broken home. Throughout my middle and high school years, I experimented with drugs and partying and became really confused about my sexuality. In high school, I started becoming more comfortable with identifying as gay. After graduation, I was fully in that lifestyle, with continued drug use and promiscuity. As a result, I was kicked out of my father’s house, which led to what I perceived as rejection. In 2009, I hit my lowest point in life—finding out that I was HIV positive.  My life crumbled, and I thought that

Gay or Happy?

  From elementary school on, I never fit in with the boys. I lived every day in a fantasy world of codependent fixation on other males. Hopelessness and self-hatred were my normal. I had no sexual desires for females; only for males. And by age 17, I was suicidal from the inner turmoil.  Bouts of porn and compulsive masturbation were my medication of choice, and I was powerless to resist them. And, after years of desperate prayer & Christian psychotherapy, I had experienced zero change in my sexual desires…until I discovered some kingdom realities and my life in Christ became deeply experiential. Jesus died for our sexual wholeness and freedom. This is the story of how I got free. I BEGAN A PURSUIT OF MY TRUE SEXUAL IDENTITY IN 1987 WHEN MY BATTLE AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY GREW INTO INTENTIONS OF SUICIDE. Ten years of desperate prayer, counseling, and research yielded no change in my sexual desires. But after some encounters with God, the following years healed childhood trauma