
Showing posts with the label Jesu

Is homosexuality the greatest sin?

There is a sense in which all sin is the same. Every sin is an act of rebellion against God . Any sin, no matter whether it is an angry thought or outright murder, is a declaration of independence from God, a means of saying, “I am going to do this my way instead of your way.   I choose my will rather than your will.”  In that sense every sin is sufficient to justify an eternity of separation from God . Every sin grieves God and arouses his just wrath. God hates sin because his very nature is contrary to sin. This is not God being mean or arbitrary, but God simply giving us the wages due to our rebellion. However, it is equally correct to express that some sins are more serious than others. Certain sins are more significant than others because the consequences are more significant. We observe this in the New Testament , in Paul’s description of sin in Romans 1.  Here we see the progression of sin so that as people are given over to their sin and rebellion, they progress i

We disregard other bible commands why not disregard homosexual law?

The objection I want to address today basically boils down to this: “There are plenty other commands in Scripture that Christians don’t follow today, like the prohibition against mixing fabrics ( Lev 19:19 ) or eating shellfish ( Lev 11:10–12 ) and pork ( Lev 11:7–8 ). So why not one more?” Unbiblical Reasoning First, I just want to observe that this kind of reasoning is patently unbiblical. The argument concedes that the Bible does indeed condemn homosexuality. We’re not getting an argument from these folks on that. They’re just giving a reason for why we should ignore  more  of what the Bible clearly says. “We disobey God’s Word all over the place. Why should disobeying His commands against homosexuality be any different?” If you find yourself thinking this way, I just want to plead with you to realize that this is just not the way a Christian thinks about God’s Word. Someone who loves God in the Person of Jesus Christ does not look for ways to legitimize their disobedien

What is wrong with gays loving each other?

Today I want to address what I think is the most widespread objection in the entire discussion. I honestly think that this issue gets to the very heart of the disagreement. This goes deeper than just our views on homosexuality or the definition of marriage. It strikes at the very core of the worldview of contemporary wisdom. It has to do with the notion of love. The objection goes something like this: “In the midst of all of your attention to details of various Bible verses, you’ve lost the big picture. The cardinal virtue that Jesus taught His followers was  love . If you value love, what’s the problem with two consenting adults making a commitment to each other out of love? Love is love. To insist that homosexuality is sinful and to deny them the right to get married is simply not loving, and therefore not Christian .” So you see how the collective reasoning of the culture paints the Christian into a corner here. Any response which does not fully affirm homosexuality—no matte

Jesus spoke against Homosexuality

Why do some believe that homosexuality is reconcilable with Christianity ? My hope was (and still is) that I might be able to serve those who are mistaken in this regard by helping them to see that faith in Jesus and His Word cannot be reconciled with attempts to legitimize homosexuality. I had addressed the semi-sarcastic objection that we as Christians are inconsistent in condemning homosexuality on the basis of the Levitical law, since we don’t also condemn eating  shellfish and mixing fabrics . I also addressed the objection that in condemning homosexuality Christians are being  unloving —getting caught up in the details while forgetting that our cardinal Christian virtue is love. If you haven’t read those, I hope you will. But today I want to address another popular argument for reconciling homosexuality with true Christianity. And that is the objection that Jesus Himself never said a word about homosexuality. Those who make this argument grant that Paul condemned it as sinf

An Alternative Script for Same-Sex Attraction

“There is nothing wrong with living a gay lifestyle. In fact, if you repress who you are, you will never live a happy, fulfilled life. Be true to yourself!” This is the overwhelming message of society regarding homosexuality. Mark Yarhouse  refers to this as “the gay script,” the blueprint for how homosexuals are to live. “Embrace who you are,” a swelling number shout, “and you will find happiness!” I disagree, but I must confess that there is a part of me that finds this script appealing. As long as I can remember, I have experienced exclusive same-sex attraction ( SSA ). Despite counseling and countless prayers, God has not seen fit to change my orientation. So, if I am honest with myself, I would like the freedom to act on what seems to be basic and natural desires for intimacy, companionship, and love. After all, many of my straight friends find fulfillment and joy in finding a mate — why shouldn’t I? More Than Prohibitions Many Christians answer this question by appealing to t

Uniting Church heretic performs immoral homosexual marriage

Uniting Church in Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Mr Munson is a Minister a long-term advocate for marriage equality  and chose to marry homosexual couples in ACT recently before the legislation was thrown out by the High Court. Munson works with the Uniting Church as a locum and justified his actions in an ABC article. We will kindly address his justification to see if it is supported by scripture.   LOOK AT MUNSON'S LOGIC 1. " Being gay or lesbian, bi, whatever, is just who we are," he said. "It is not something people choose to do, it is just who we are. Response : This is the 'born gay' argument or the 'gay gene' argument supported by Lady Gaga but not the Bible. The Bible does state we are ALL born in sin and this would include homosexuals, bi, or lesbians. The Bible also calls everybody to repent of sin and come to Christ. The Bible does not call us to celebrate our sin but repent of our sin. Homosexuality and lesbianism is listed cl