What Colorado has done to Jack Phillips is outrageous

One of the most important religious liberty cases of modern times is presently before the U.S. Supreme Court. NOM's legal brief in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v Coloradocase was recently covered by USA Today, which quoted directly from our submission to the Supreme Court:
"The National Organization for Marriage...cites other instances in which the high court has protected the right to exclude speech. 'Newspapers cannot be forced to print messages from those they criticize,' the group says. 'Car owners cannot be forced to display political messages, children cannot be forced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, parades cannot be forced to include other viewpoints, utilities cannot be forced to include brochures for consumer advocates in the utility's billing envelope, and government workers cannot be forced to even pay for the political speech of labor unions.'"
This is the legal case where Jack Phillips, a devout Christian baker, who respectfully declined to use his talents to design and create a cake for a gay 'wedding' was fined by the state, ordered to start participating in same-sex ceremonies, and forced to undergo a reeducation program (and file compliance reports with the state). We're pleased that USA Today, one of the nation's most influential media outlets has covered our arguments in this case. As they note, we have a long history of advocacy at the US Supreme Court, including battling for marriage in critical cases in 2013 and 2015.
What Colorado has done to Jack Phillips is outrageous and it's essential that we fight back on behalf of all people of faith. This case gives us a tremendous opportunity to protect all people from having to abandon their religious views and participate in a same-sex 'wedding' that violates their beliefs.
Participation in critical legal cases is one of the most important things that NOM does, because the courts have become so activist in recent years with all the leftist justices appointed by Barack Obama.
The Masterpiece Cakeshop case is one of the most important cases to come before the Supreme Court in years. It has generated more than 100 legal briefs filed by hundreds of groups on both sides of the issue — more briefs than virtually every other case.
The fact that a major publication like USA Today has cited from our legal brief among all those that were filed is a testament to the importance of the work we are conducting.

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