Rev. Dr Keith Mascord wants Christians to apologise to homosexuals

The article below outlines the non-Biblical secular thinking of a free-lance (de-licenced) Anglican pastor who not only supports homosexuality but wants Godly people to apologize to sinful homosexuals for offending their feelings.

This man is preaching another gospel? He talks of homosexuals as vulnerable victims who are hurting and feel unaccepted. Throughout this campaign homosexuals have heard very clearly that there is forgiveness for the sin of homosexuality but this has been rejected, ridiculed and even questioned. Homosexuality was presented as something that will contribute to value of our country, that granting gay marriage is fair. Unfortunately, truth - God's truth has been thrown out the window and in exchange 'being fair' has replaced it as a higher moral virtue. 

The deeply flawed article is presented below. It includes false arguments and assertions. The author claims to be a committed Christian (but see the statements below) either way I see no biblical fruit. He repeats many arguments from gay ideology. This article is false, against God's will purpose and design, and simple a false gospel. 

Reverend Mascord was offered the opportunity to continue to minister to his own congregation at Dulwich Hill, with the proviso that he not preach in favour of same-sex marriage — he refused.

Archbishop Davies issued a statement which said: "Because of his rejection of the authority of the Bible and the doctrine of Christ (as received by the Anglican Church), the Archbishop formed the view that it is not appropriate for Dr Mascord to hold a licence to preach in the Diocese of Sydney." (Details on the conclusion of Mascord's article). He has been de-licenced. he is in rebellion against God.


As a deeply committed older Christian, I've been dismayed by the contributions of Australian churches to the acrimonious and damaging debate which has been imposed upon us, and particularly by those who have joined the Coalition for Marriage.

I've been dismayed, first, because Australian churches have been callous and un-Christ-like in their support for an extended public campaign, which they surely knew was certain to cause widespread distress and suffering to some of Australia's most vulnerable citizens. 

Even a small amount of research would have revealed already high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental health vulnerability among those whose lives, relationships, identity, and worth would become the subject of public debate. (This false argument has been repeated many times, without evidence based on stigma and not on the broken lifestyle of homosexuality).

But instead of taking heed of this research, instead of gently seeking the counsel of LGBTI-plus Australians, churches involved in the Coalition for Marriage pushed ahead regardless. They wagered on the lives of people the church should have been protecting, when it was already a sure bet that their actions would embolden Australia's bigots and hateful homophobes, which they have. (The church calls all sinners to repent of their sins or as jesus said of the woman caught in sexual adultery - sin no more. Yes, he showed compassion but he called it a sin that requires repentance. Mascord does not call for repentance of the sin of homosexuality).

I've been dismayed, second, by the essentially dishonest, fear-driven and fear-creating nature of the campaign churches have signed up to, and put big money towards. The Coalition for Marriage campaign is pervasively dishonest. It is dishonest in not being upfront about the foundational reason conservative Christians are implacably opposed to marriage equality, and that is their belief that any and all sexual relationships outside of heterosexual marriage are immoral and defective. (Mascord is correct. But the ACL was also talking to non-believers who do not support the normalization of homosexuality, safe schools etc)

The campaign is dishonest in trying to scare people into thinking that society will unravel if marriage is extended to include LGBTI-plus Australians. Scare-mongering, by its very nature, is dishonest, because it plays to people's fears, and doesn't require evidence. It is often best without evidence, except for cherry-picked and easily discredited examples from overseas, which, even when proved accurate, mostly amount to fundamentalist Christians resisting scientific and societal consensus, doggedly insisting on their right to discriminate and exclude. (The evidence of breakdown is very clear from overseas countries where there have been dismissals, sackings, governments forcing closure of adoption agencies, law schools banning graduates, cake makers and florist, B&B being taken to court and fined. The list goes on because what Mascord does not acknowledge is the aggressive gay militant organizations that target Christian organizations)

The Coalition for Marriage's "no" campaign has been dishonest in arguing that children will become the innocent victims of a "yes" outcome. The strategy is dishonest because all available evidence suggests that children brought up by same-sex couples do equally well as those brought up by opposite sex couples, with ideological talk about the need for gender complementarity failing the test of peer-reviewed scientific research. Not only do children do well, even now, they are sure to do even better when their parents are given the societal honour and recognition of marriage. I am dismayed, third, because those churches who have joined the Coalition for Marriage appear oblivious to how morally compromised they have become. They are morally compromised for claiming that they alone speak for God, especially when church history is littered with examples of similar bogus claims, about the age and shape of the earth, about slavery, interracial marriage and women's rights. (Sorry Mascord, the media including the Australian Doctors association conveniently misled the public on reasearch. Most research was online, self reporting gays giving their opinion with few comparison data. The Mark Regernaus Study was conveniently ignored by all the media, attacked by homosexual groups, rejected by the ABC because it went against all these small self reporting survey which claimed - NO HARM to kids. The statement that the kids did better was taken from New York wealthy homosexuals and should be discarded as simply bias).

Christian churches are morally compromised when they interpret the Bible in such a way as to cause preventable suffering to those Jesus described as his "little ones" – the weak, the defenceless; the marginalised. They are already compromised for almost 2000 years of abusive interpretation, described by one of America's leading Christian ethicists as "teachings of contempt" directed at those who are sexuality and gender diverse. This campaign is simply the latest chapter in a church-history-long story of abuse and harm.
(2000 years of abusive interpretation....really? These texts are beyond question. All sound theological leaders disagree with Boswell and other progressives who attempt and fail to reinterpret the verses that condemn homosexual sin. Mascord is preaching another gospel and according to Galatians he is to be condemned).

Is there some light in this dark account? There is. Even among those who voted "no" in the postal survey, there has been widespread disappointment with how the "no" campaign has been waged, and with the out-of-touch leadership of their churches. An Australian Christians for Marriage Equality campaign has been waged, not quite so loudly or well-funded, but with wonderful support. A new grass-roots movement called Equal Voices has drawn Christians from around the nation to encourage straight allies to support their even braver LGBTI-plus fellow Christians, one of whom, a young daughter of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, penned these words of defiance: (There is no such thing as a Homosexual Christian, there is no such thing as a Christian Murderer, Christian adulterer, Christian liar - You are a sinner that did homosexual, lying, adultery acts - but that what you were before salvation. Do not revel in your sin. Do not claim what is sinful to be righteous - you are simply fooling yourself...and is that not the mark of sin?)

"We are not the monsters you make us out to be, however much you may shout it from street corners. We aren't deviant or degenerate. We aren't child abusers. We don't need to be healed or brutally driven into an image of cisgender heterosexuality. What we need is for you to listen to our voices and see us for who we are. We are every sexuality, romantic orientation and gender under the sun. We have intersex variations. And, above all of this, we are human."
(Yes you are human. Your love is disordered and confused because that is what sin does to your thinking. Your lives are broken, your minds confused. You are sinners like all people but you claim to be righteous and holy - you have been fooled by the enemy).

The best thing to have emerged from this awful process is that Christians have come to realise, as never before, how urgent is our need to say sorry, and to embark on what will be a long and painful process of reconciliation. To that end, all Christians are invited to add their names to a National Apology to LGBTI-plus fellow Australians, which includes a commitment to reconciliation.

(We call all homosexual to repent of their sin before God. Be reconciled before God, repent of your homosexual sin, repent of your false accusations, repent of calling God the maker of your sin).

Reverend Dr Keith Mascord, freelance Anglican priest, author of Faith without Fear: risky choices facing contemporary Christians.


The Archbishop does not normally comment on applications for licences, which are the subject of private discussions and correspondence with the applicants. However, given misrepresentations in the media, the following points are relevant:

A licence to preach and teach is an authority issued by the Archbishop which carries with it a responsibility to teach the doctrines of the Anglican Church and not against those doctrines.

In 2008, following the resignation of the Rev. Dr Keith Mascord from a stipendiary position in the Diocese, he was given a three-year 'authority to officiate' in a voluntary capacity. In July 2010 Dr Mascord applied for and was granted a further three-year licence, which expired in August 2013. Dr Mascord has not been licensed in the Diocese since 2013.

The Archbishop recently held private talks with Dr Mascord which Dr Davies described as ‘warm and cordial’.  Dr Mascord outlined the ways in which his thinking had moved away from the established doctrines of the Anglican Church, including his written statements that he has now come to believe that the Bible contains “erroneous … theological ideas”.

Because of his rejection of the authority of the Bible and the doctrine of Christ (as received by the Anglican Church), the Archbishop formed the view that it is not appropriate for Dr Mascord to hold a licence to preach in the Diocese of Sydney. However, Dr Mascord was offered a licence to exercise a ministry in his own parish as long as he was willing to conform to his ordination vows to teach only what is in accord with Anglican doctrine.

We understand Dr Mascord has declined to take up that offer.

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