Jack Philips the baker - homosexual bullies and the Court

Next Tuesday, a courageous and faithful Christian, Jack Phillips, will finally have his day in court to fight for his right to uphold his beliefs about God, about marriage and about fairness.

Jack is a Christian baker and artist who has served his community in Colorado for over two decades, using his work to highlight his belief in God and the goodness of Jesus Christ. When asked by a gay couple to design a cake to celebrate their same-sex 'wedding,' Jack politely declined due to his religious beliefs, but offered to help the couple find another baker to assist them. Instead, the couple filed a complaint with the state of Colorado, which ruled he was guilty of "discrimination" and ordered him to start celebrating gay weddings, undergo a reeducation program and file quarterly compliance reports!

We’ve produced an important new video that explains the critical nature of Jack's case, which is now before the US Supreme Court. Please watch it and then share it with everyone you know.

I'm also asking you to sign our petition to let Jack know that you have his back. We will make sure that he knows that we are on his side, are holding him and his family up in our prayers, and praying for his success in Court. If Jack wins, we all win.

Next Tuesday, a group of supporters will gather at the US Supreme Court to rally for Jack before the Justices hear oral argument in the case. If you can be in Washington DC to join us, we welcome you. Here are the details. If you can't make it in person, please try to pray on Tuesday morning for Jack, his attorneys and the Justices that they will have the wisdom to embrace the truth that nobody in America should be forced to violate their religious beliefs in order to be in business, hold a job or participate in civil society.

This is one of the most important legal cases of our lifetimes. Its outcome will not only impact people in the wedding business, it will help determine whether Americans will continue to enjoy the religious liberty guaranteed by the US constitution, or if we will be sacrificed to political correctness and subjected to governmental persecution for our biblically-based beliefs.

Between now and Tuesday, let's do everything we can to rally people of faith across our land to support a courageous Christian and supporter of true marriage, Jack Phillips, and stand up for the rights of all Americans to live out their beliefs at work and in their daily lives.

Please watch and share our video, sign the petition to let Jack know we have his back, and pray for a successful outcome in this critical case.

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