UK House of Commons votes for immoral homosexuality against God Biblical prohibitions

WESTMINSTER, May 23, 2013 ( – “Saddening and damaging to the reputation of Parliament,” was what the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children called the 366 to 161 House of Commons vote on the government’s “gay marriage” bill last night.
SPUC director John Smeaton added, “This result was no surprize as the bill has the support of all three main parties in the House of Commons. It is good to note that substantial opposition to it has been maintained.”
SPUC is asking concerned voters to contact their MPs either to thank them for opposing the plan or to “point out that the bill negates the main reason for having laws in support marriage – for the benefit and welfare of children.”
“It was a vote of ‘no confidence’ by MPs in real marriage – the foundation for stable family life and the safe, happy upbringing of children,” Smeaton added.
The Coalition for Marriage, consisting of the Christian Institute, Care, Christian Concern for Our Nation, the Evangelical Alliance and the Christian Medical Fellowship, have issued a call for prayer to stop the bill in the House of Lords where it will not be scrutinized.
They have asked for a “national day of prayer” on June 2, the day before a vote on the bill is scheduled in the Lords.
“We believe it is possible to win this vote in the Lords, and we would encourage Christians throughout the nation to pray for that result,” the group said in a statement.
Prime Minister David Cameron, in an apparent nod to the large rebellion in his own party over the bill, promised there would be no more legislation put forward on social issues.
The vote follows a YouGov poll that shows the Conservatives at just 27 percent, their lowest numbers since 2000, well before the start of Cameron’s “modernizing” project.
Of the 161 votes against the bill, 136 were by Conservative MPs, with more Tories opposing than supporting it. These included two Cabinet ministers: Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs; and David Jones, Secretary of State for Wales.
It is estimated that as many as 120 Conservative Party peers will oppose the bill. Of a total of 764 Peers, 213 are Conservatives.
Cameron told BBC Radio 4 he is proud of the vote result.
“I think we should think about it like this - that there will be young boys in schools today who are gay, who are worried about being bullied, who are worried about what society thinks of them, who can see that the highest parliament in the land has said that their love is worth the same as anybody else's love and that we believe in equality,” he said. “I think they will stand that bit taller today and I’m proud of the fact that that has happened.”
The Independent newspaper quoted “senior party sources” who said Cameron could be facing a vote of non-confidence that would remove him as party leader before the 2015 general election. “Cameron allies agreed that the ‘point of maximum danger’ would be if the UK Independence Party tops the poll in next spring's elections to the European Parliament.”
The paper quotes a “senior Tory” saying, “The death of Margaret Thatcher united the Conservative family. The leadership issue disappeared and Cameron looked safe until the general election. Now it is back on the agenda again. It has been a disastrous two weeks.”
UK voters can check how their MP voted on the bill here.
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