Obama doesn't just want tolerance but recognition of homosexual marriage lies

English: Seal of the President of the United S...
English: Seal of the President of the United States Español: Escudo del Presidente de los Estados Unidos Македонски: Печат на Претседателот на Соединетите Американски Држави. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is a terrible lie that the push to redefine marriage is simply about couples who just want to love each other, receive civil protections and leave everyone else alone.

More and more evidence is coming to light in recent days exposing this lie.

Last week, none other than the President of the United States exposed this lie with his words, when he said in a press conference that:

"one of the extraordinary measures of progress that we've seen in this country has been the recognition that the LGBT community deserves full equality, not just partial equality, not just tolerance but a recognition that they're wholly a part of the American family."

Read that again: "not just tolerance, but a recognition…"

What a perfect way to sum up what happens when marriage is redefined.

People of faith and all people who believe marriage is between a man and a woman suddenly find themselves in the cross-hairs of a legal system that now treats their common sense belief as something shameful and contrary to the law of the land.

Business owners are told that they have to change their beliefs or or expose their businesses to fines or closure. Christian social service organizations — many of whom have provided incredibly valuable services to society for decades — are suddenly told they must change their doctrines or close their doors. And parents are told that they don't even have a right to approve or be notified about what the school system is teaching their children!

It's also a lie that marriage as we know it will be unaffected by redefining its nature and purpose. The fact is that ending marriage as we know it is a stated objective of the people pushing this agenda!

A year ago, journalist and same-sex marriage activist Marsha Gessen openly admitted, that
"(F)ighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie."

NYU professor and expert witness in many legal cases pertaining to same-sex marriage, Professor Judith Stacey, recently asked in a debate "why should there be marriage at all?" She went on to ask, "what should limit it to two, and why should it be monogamous?" And she answers, "nothing, in my view, gives the state that particular interest."

Even The Economist and Slate Magazine are now brazenly advocating for polygamy!

Same-sex marriage isn't about simply letting two individuals live however they choose... it's about fundamentally altering the institution of marriage, the foundation of society, and thereby reshaping society itself.

This radical agenda must be exposed. It must be stopped. And I need your help to do it.
Right away to help us spread the truth about marriage far and wide, combating the aggressive and pernicious campaign of lies stemming from same-sex marriage activists!
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