Former Justice Kirby calls Biblical truth outdated prejudices

Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island...
Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre 3 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
According to former High Court justice Michael Kirby Australia's public education system provides greater equality for gay and lesbian students while non-government religious schools foster outdated prejudices about homosexuality. Christian schools of course teach what the Bible has always taught that homosexuality is a sin against humanity and God.
Mr Kirby, who said he spent years ''working furiously to hide'' his sexuality, cited recent research conducted in Queensland public schools that showed lower rates of bullying towards minority students compared with private and religious schools. ''If you live in a school which has a belief and an instruction that you have a tendency to evil, that is going to percolate down - it is going to be part of the reality,'' he said.

Kirby obvious hatred for Christianity supports the unions view of public education by denigrating faith in the secular sphere. It is expected that strong biblical moral teaching should percolate downwards, as does the secular non Christian atheistic propangada percolate in public schools that honor immorality. Kirby is stating the obvious except he call Christian moral values evil, and likewise the Christian faith call secular values empty, and the cause of moral degration in families and societies. Secular values have given us easy divorce, justifiable violence, abortion seen as choice resulting in death, unstable cohabitation, redefinition of marriage and the ongoing casualization of marriage,  one parent families where children suffer. Secular values lack moral credibility, bring chaos to communities including indigenous communities. Secularism promotes self first, Christianity promotes the groups and to care for the broken, the abused in the love of Christ

At the dinner, hosted by the Australian Education Union, Mr Kirby praised the principles of secular education in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ''A very important idea that we, in Australia, have inherited from Britain is the idea of a secular space,'' he said. ''We are losing our way on this under governments of different persuasions and usually in pursuit of votes in marginal electorates.''

Mr Kirby criticised the hundreds of millions in public funds spent on the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program, which he said was undermining the secular tone of public schools.

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