Florida middle school tries to disband immoral gay-straight alliance

LEESBURG, FL, May 14, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A Florida middle school school board, after caving to ACLU pressure by allowing a 14-year-old student to form a gay-straight alliance club, is now trying to disband it.
The school had originally ignored student Baysil Siberston’s requests to start the club, but changed its decision following the threat of a lawsuit that alleged the school had violated Siberston’s First and Fourteenth Amendment rights.
Now, the school has crafted a new policy permitting only clubs that promote critical thinking, business, and community service. The new policy has not yet been made official or taken affect.
The ACLU has threatened lawsuits for other schools similarly resisting the institution of gay-straight alliance clubs in their schools. LifeSiteNews.com reported on such a threat in Pennsylvania. In 2008,a North Carolina high school principal resigned after his school agreed to form a gay-straight alliance.
America's neighbors to the north have long dealt with the issue of homosexual advocacy in the schools.
In Ontario, the most populous province in Canada, gay-straight alliance clubs are required in all schools, even in Catholic schools, which are publicly funded.
Today, the Toronto District moved to reject the Ontario Liberal government’s enforcement of homosexual activist clubs in Catholic schools as mandated by the recently passed “anti-bullying” Bill 18. 

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