Legalising homosexual marriage it being taught in schools as equal to normal marriage

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Au...
English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Australian Christian lobby has issued a bizarre statement arguing that same sex marriage could lead to a new "stolen generation", and would inevitably lead to children being taught the mechanics of homosexual sex in school sex education classes.
ACL managing director Lyle Shelton said Kevin Rudd's overnight change-of-mind ignored the consequence of "robbing children of their biological identity through same-sex surrogacy and other assisted reproductive technologies".
Kevin Rudd's explanation also lacks theological support. Instead he has been given an incorrect argument by a gay activist regarding; slavery, stoning adulters, as justification we have changed these practices why not marriage.
"Marriage is not just an affectionate relationship between two people regardless of gender," Mr Shelton said. "Marriage has always been about providing stability and biological identity for children wherever possible.
"What Mr Rudd has not considered is whether or not it is right for children to be taken through technology from their biological parent so that 'married' same-sex couples can fulfil their desires."
Mr Shelton's concerns over same sex marriage range beyond his fear of robbing children of their identity. He also fears potential backlashes against the church.
"Wherever same sex marriage or equivalents have been legislated, Christians have been pursued by activists, he said.
"Christian businesses have been closed down, public servants and even pastors hauled into court and fined for exercising their conscience.
"No government has the right to create these vulnerabilities for the church-going twenty per cent of the population in order to allow the point two per cent who will take advantage of this to redefine marriage,"he said.

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