Kevin Rudd's illogical homosexual marriage argumenr

Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Rudd's logic goes like this: a pentecostal man who is a hard working, kind, diligent government worker has admitted his homosexual tendencies to his pastor and has reported to Rudd his pastor is okay with his homosexual tendencies but not his church, then asks Rudd if he would ever get married?

The question is can nice hard working, intelligent loving, people sin, deceived by sin? The Bible says yes.  Rudd look at the nice person and correctly feels compassion, but chooses not to look at the Bible. In so doing he places himself outside of the faith regardless of what he says, claims, church attendance, by contradicting what God calls gross sin, Rudd wants to celebrate sin.

Rudd's thoughtful view is that an honest, caring hard working person claiming to be a Christian, who also is battling homosexual temptation should pursue his sin by helping homosexual marriage be legalizes. Change the word to adulterer, and see how the logic goes. In effect goes allows sinful homosexuals and lesbians to pursue their sin as stated in Romans 1:18, God hands them over to their own they still attend church, say religious things, appear to be kind, nice and caring....yes, but they are miles away from God and under his judgement. 

Rudd's logic continues in that Australia does not stone people caught in adultery, therefore because we don't stone people, homosexuality should not be condemned.

His false logic missed Romans 1:18 completely. 

God allocated various forms of punishment in his Old Testament law to Israel as a nation. They were enforced as a nation. In the New Testament ceremonial law, and other laws were fulfilled in Christ. The people were subject to Roman law, but the moral law as an expression of God came over to the New Testament. Jesus enhanced that moral law, by just looking at a woman you can commit adultery, hence Jesus was saying we can't fulfill the law only Christ. The moral law still exists as a guideline, and Paul later says that God has establishes Government as the arm of punishment, as long as it does not contradict scripture. If the government choose not to exercise capital punishment, or decriminalize homosexual it is that governments responsibility, but to say homosexuality is not a sin, to say that homosexual marriage is a good thing is to go against scripture and the moral law of God.

Rudd by his statements on his blog appears to be a heretic and should not be seen as a representative of the Christian faith.

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