Homosexuality a former crime is now celebrated?

Today people are pushing for same sex marriage. But only a few decades ago homosexuality was deemed to be illegal. So what happened? How did homosexuality that was 'against nature' (physical design / reproduction), a crime, becomes something to be celebrated as something - good, positive ( as per LGBTQ radicals)? 

The 1950 UK Wolfenden Report which decriminalized homosexuality as an 'act against nature' was based on flawed science from Alfred Kinsey who essentially molested children. Fake science was the basis of this horrific decision.

In the early years of the American colonies, the penalty for sodomy was death, and a number of executions are documented. Why was sodomy, usually conceived of as anal intercourse between men, thought of as treason against the state, and punished so harshly? 

Even in Australia, until 1949, the death penalty remained on the statute books for sodomy in the southern state of Victoria. Legislative change came in September 1975, when South Australia declared that male homosexuality would no longer be a crime. 

The person who brought about the change was a homosexual. Don Dunstan a homosexual politician decriminalized male homosexuality. Dunstan feared of being outed for his homosexual affairs contributed to him resigning in 1979

So what is sodomy?
Sodomy has been broadly defined as a sexual "crime against nature" The crime against nature or unnatural act has historically been a legal term in English-speaking states identifying forms of sexual behavior not considered natural or decent and are legally punishable offenses. Sexual practices that have historically been considered to be "crimes against nature" include anal sex.

A "crime against nature" was understood by courts to be synonymous to "buggery", and to include anal sex (copulation per anum) and bestiality. The term crime against nature is closely related to, and was often used interchangeably with, the term sodomy.

The crime was not limited to same-sex activities, and, in case of an act between two adults, both participants were guilty, regardless of consent. Attempted or completed act of sodomy, committed by a husband against his wife, was grounds for divorce in common law.

The offense was usually referred to by its longer name, the detestable and abominable (or abominable and detestable, or, sometimes, infamous) crime against nature, committed with mankind or beast. This phrase originates in Buggery Act 1533, with words "crime against nature" substituted for "vice of buggery" in the original.

The 1960'S sexual revolution discarded marriage first. Biblical sexual morals were then discarded by sexual radicals. So today, acts of sodomy - against nature have not changed in their definition or action - but the sexual revolution, helped by closet homosexual politicians removed punishable offenses and came up with the concept - of privacy and consent over-rides all and any moral laws.

The argument put forward is that - private conduct between consenting adults has nothing to do with the state or anybody. 

Yet private conduct such as incest, domestic violence is still deemed an offense. Therefore, privacy rights are selective.  What about consent? The law has consent rule on minors. But that very notion entails a moral concept decided by whom? 

But with LGBTQ radical pushing homosexual marriage, the idea of private is now put squarely in the open. Many people still remember that sodomy was a crime. Yet young people raised by Hollywood with shows like Will &Grace, Modern Family, both sanitized versions of homosexuality - have little understanding of the history of sodomy. Ideology has even taken over their basic biology lessons of male and female complimentary sexual parts and purposes. Yet the Bible has not changed with regards to the sin of homosexuality regardless of what Governments legislate. 

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