The homosexual lies of Irish Senator Jerry Buttimer

The Melbourne AGE ran an article based on an interview from an Irish Senator seeking to dismiss 'religious freedom' concerns about homosexual marriage. But the Senator simply ignited the concern bu his lying. 

In 2015 Ireland voted with a majority of 62 per cent for marriage equality, the first country in the world to make this social change by popular vote. Since then, a lot of gay people have gotten married.

"The world hasn't ended, the sky didn't fall down, the sun still shines, the moon is still in the sky and the world continues," Buttimer says. "It's only been a positive, in terms of equality and opportunity for all people. People are going to registry offices, humanist ceremonies are taking place across the country. "They're joining in celebrations, there's dancing at the crossroads, there's dancing in weddings, there's feasting and banqueting and there's love."What happens? Two people get married and the world continues." 

When Buttimer states " the world hasn't eneded, the sky didn't fall down, the sun still shines..." he is implying that the biblical prohibition on Sodomy with fire and brimstone didn't happen therefore God does think gay marriage is wrong, or God doesn't care, or God support homosexual marriage. The last one is repeated by Buttimer who believers it is a blessing from God.

The problem is Buttimer is wrong in his understanding of scripture. Romans 1:24 says man’s desire for freedom from constraint to do what he wants as the primal sin. Paul also has in mind another classic example of human craving which brought divine wrath upon it (Num 11:31–35) which is twice referred to in the Psalms with the formula that God gave them their desire. As people continue to reject God, He gives them up to increasingly immoral and self-destructive activities.

God gave them over God allowed for people to do as they desired, even when it meant opposing his will for their lives. This is part of the judgment related to God’s wrath (see note on Rom 1:18). Paul uses the Greek word paradidōmi (often translated “gave over” or “gave up”) three times in this passage (vv. 24, 26, 28) to emphasize God’s deliberate response to humanity’s wicked ways: He allows people to continue to live a life of increasing sin.

The Coalition For Marriage put out a press release this month asking: "If a change in marriage law has no consequences for religious freedom, how do you explain the Irish government overturning religious freedom protections just months after the referendum?"

Look at Senator Jerry Buttimer's response - a lie watered down.....
"It's a reference to a change to Ireland's Employment Equality Act, which passed the country's parliament soon after the marriage equality referendum. The act allowed church-run schools and hospitals to discriminate against employees on the grounds of their sexuality - teachers, nurses and doctors could be fired for being gay. As a result, gay and lesbian teachers in the country's many (around 90 per cent of the total) church-run schools had to hide their sexuality. They felt the law's "chilling effect" on their lives. (They could have chosen another job away from any Christian organization that supported their immoral sexuality)

The 2015 amendment did not remove the exemption. But it watered it down, in the case of all schools and hospitals which received public funding, requiring that the discrimination was "objectively justified. 
He doesn't agree this amounts to a loss of religious freedom but in fact that is exactly what it is. A proponent of homosexual marriage would definitely say it didn't reduce religious freedom but that is exactly what happened. 

Here is the quote of the day, from a man seeking to justify the sin of homosexuality and sideline any religious objections, "We can't condone prejudicial behaviour in the workplace," he says. God says it is sin - Irish government says it is prejudicial behaviour. Like all politicians this man lies!

Senator Buttimer, of course, is more than willing to speak on their behalf.

"As somebody who spent five years in the seminary, (obviously learnt nothing from the Bible) who has a degree in theology, I would put to the religious people in Australia that … God wants us to be the most complete person we can be, that means being able to marry the person we love. 

The lie is from hell itself - God wants people to be holy as he is holy

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