Transgender activist and Greens candidate Martine Delaney demands Christians be re-educated on homosexuality

The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference issued a pastoral booklet titled: Don’t Mess with Marriage. The booklet was distributed in parishes and to parents whose children attend Catholic schools.

But then transgender activist and Greens candidate Martine Delaney made a complaint to the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commission, arguing that religious freedom is not absolute in a secular society.

Delaney sought a public apology from the Australian Catholic Bishops and a re-education program implemented for staff and students at Catholic schools. The complaint was eventually withdrawn, but the law still remains.

Redefining marriage will usher in anti-discrimination laws to fuel attacks like that even further. This is one example of the gay radical agenda. 

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (“LGBT”) activists want to require the majority to move beyond tolerance to endorsement. To accomplish that end, LGBT activists have radically moved from telling us to “stay out of their bedroom” to bringing their bedroom into the classroom.

Because activists know they cannot change the hearts and minds of the populace through legislative and judicial decrees, they are focused on radically transforming society by using our children as pawns for social change – without regard to the consequences.


Indoctrinating impressionable school children is an easier way to transform society and change public attitudes toward homosexuality than trying to persuade adults. However, since directly promoting homosexual lifestyles to children is too controversial, LGBT activists hide their agenda behind the “safe schools” and “anti-bullying” curricula. 

On other campuses, however, where radicals sympathetic to the LGBT agenda have taken over school boards, the indoctrination is overt and aggressive.

Advocates of homosexuality (which include a growing number of teachers, students, administrators, teachers unions and school boards) are now permitted to promote homosexuality in a variety of ways in many school districts. Teaching materials and extra-curricular programs that imply or proclaim acceptance of homosexual behavior are becoming more and more common.

The majority of students educated in public schools, even if raised in traditional-minded homes, are now being successfully indoctrinated with the belief that engaging in homosexual behavior is a right, and is relatively harmless.

The truth is otherwise. Homosexual behavior and the environment of the homosexual community present many problematic risks and influences, and those risks are well-documented.

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