Uniting Church Lesbian Elder - Apostate Church?

Julie McCrossin ABC Presenter and Qantas Radio Q presenter - at 13 years of age was tempted by the sin of lesbianism. She ignored the Bible, repentance and seeking God and instead watched a movie and identified with the false lesbian propaganda presented.  She has since married Melissa Gibson in New York USA and now lives in Sydney pushing immoral homosexual marriage. 

Born in 1954, the messages I received about homosexuality when I was growing up were quite straightforward: homosexuality was a criminal act, a mental illness and against God's will. I was 13 when I first felt the creeping sensations of shame, fear and dread when I realised I may be a lesbian. I watched a movie, and I knew I too had "those feelings". It brought a burden of anxiety into my life that only LGBTI people of my generation can truly understand. It was nearly 10 years before I heard anyone say anything positive about homosexuality.

Now self-employed, she is also an elder, treasurer and church council elder member of South Sydney Uniting ChurchHer involvement in the Christian church has until recently been less-known but always one to which she’ll openly attest, as she does with her advocacy for women’s and gay rights.

The Uniting Church obviously has a huge problem within its churches. From conservative churches to defiant Apostate churches  like South Sydney Uniting Church. The Bible speaks very clearly on the sin of homosexuality and lesbianism. Even the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 when describing God's wrath against humanity points first as an example of the focus of God wrath - lesbianism. (Romans 1:26) Revisionist, however wash away these verses to mean something else. 

McCrossin implies that homosexuality is okay because the Government changed its mind. The APA came under pressure from homosexual activists from within and outside to change the definition. It was then voted on. Can you believe that? Science was voted on. The homosexuals got their way but many who disagreed broke off and formed NARTH. Homosexuality was decriminalized because of the sexual revolution and the false idea of - 'What is done in private with consenting adults is of no interest to the Government.' - except privacy doesn't excuse domestic violence or incest. So consent is simply - individualism doing whatever they want regardless of outcomes. 

It was a South Australian Homosexual Premier who first pushed the decriminalization of Homosexuality. No personal agenda? Yet the concept of 'homosexuality being against nature' has never been answered. 

McCrossin says: What are the messages we give young people today? Homosexuality stopped being a mental illness in 1974 when the American Psychiatric Association supported its removal from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Homosexuality was decriminalised in NSW in 1984. The first state or territory to take homosexuality out of the criminal code was South Australia in 1975 and the last was Tasmania in 1997.
The argument to normalize homosexuality is based on social reasoning, and not an appeal to nature. Anyone who appeals to nature in an attempt to normalize homosexuality must also concede that every other sexual orientation (in all it's bizarre flavors) is likewise natural. Homosexuality is against nature in every way. People are not born gay, and homosexuality is against biology and evolution. Homosexuality is against what nature intended, which is a man and woman who can PROCREATE

The human body was created for reproduction between a man and a woman. When there is a union between a man and a woman, it is natural. When there is a union between two people of the same sex, it is unnatural and it is unethical. Homosexuality is a choice, no one is born with it.

Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman which is by its nature ordered toward the procreation and education of children and the unity and wellbeing of the spouses.

The promoters of same-sex “marriage” propose something entirely different. They propose the union between two men or two women. This denies the self-evident biological, physiological, and psychological differences between men and women which find their complementarity in marriage. It also denies the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children. Two entirely different things cannot be considered the same thing.

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