Civil Rights Commission forces Christian man to undergo LGBT re-education program

With Neil Gorsuch now on the US Supreme Court, as one of its last acts of the current term the Supreme Court decided to accept the case of Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission, a critical case that highlights the growing problem of supporters of marriage being discriminated against by government and targeted for harassment and punitive punishment in violation of our constitutional rights.
Jack Phillips is the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, a skilled baker and cake artisan, and a devout Christian. He runs a family business that has thrived in Lakeland, Colorado for nearly 25 years. He's happily served all clients, and continues to sell baked goods to anyone who seeks them regardless of their religious beliefs, politics or sexual orientation. 
However, when it comes to applying his artistry and creativity to helping with events and ceremonies that violate his deeply held religious beliefs, he draws the line and declines to personally participate. Contributing his artistry to a gay "wedding" is such a ceremony that Jack cannot in good conscience help with. So when two homosexual men asked him to design a cake for their "wedding" he politely declined. 
Predictably, the men sued and some months later, after enduring an onslaught of abuse from LGBT activists and a raft of negative publicity, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission determined that Jack was guilty of sexual orientation discrimination, ordered him and his staff to design cakes for gay ceremonies, and further ordered him to undergo a "re-education" program along with filing quarterly "compliance" reports. It's outrageous that not only can LGBT extremists get the judicial elite to impose gay "marriage" on the nation, but that they can get their allies in government to punish anyone who disagrees and refuses to go along with the charade that marriage is anything other than the union of one man and one woman.
Sadly, Jack Phillips is far from the only one who has been subjected to governmental persecution, reputational ruin and the threat of being financially devastated. Countless others have also been targeted by LGBT extremists and their allies in government.

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