Australia: Homosexual Activists reject people expressing their views on homosexual sin

Rodney Croome asks: What is the point of Peter Dutton's proposed postal vote on marriage equality?

Answer: Australia have the right to a vote regarding any changes to the concept of marriage

From the perspective of those homosexual zealots who push homosexual marriage there's no good reason for it at all. Namely, they don't want to risk a negative vote because Australians have watched disaster after disaster in other countries will homosexuals have bullied their agenda onto people often by a homosexual in Government or like the UK or Germany - where foolish politicians pander to homosexuals to seek re-election.

Their argument goes like this: 

We fear a postal vote will be a platform for hate and fear-mongering just like we feared last year's proposal for a plebiscite would be. But a postal vote is even worse than a plebiscite. Because it will be an opt-in vote, it will be people with strong views on either side who are most likely to return their ballots. The 30 percent of the population who nominally support marriage equality but don't care much about it will be much less likely to vote. Among the 40 percent of Australians who strongly support marriage equality many are young people, who are also less likely to participate in a postal vote. Already, you can see that a postal vote is rigged against the 'yes' case. On top of this, the Government doesn't need Parliament's approval for a postal vote so it gets to set the question itself. No wonder the only people who want a postal vote are those against marriage equality.

Then the homosexual advocates argument get more silly:
If Australia Post fails to deliver or return ballots on time (which has occurred in recent times during other elections); if there is uncertainty about who was eligible to vote; if there is no processes for scrutineering the vote or resolving disputes over it; if there is no strategy to ensure remote communities, including Indigenous communities, have an equal opportunity to participate; if any of these problems occur the result could be tied up in the courts for months.

Then the homosexual advocate misinterpret the Biblical prohibition on homosexuals sin - where God hands them over to indulge in their sin (Romans 1) but the false idea of the end of the world - 'sky falling' is a misunderstanding of God's judgement upon homosexual sin. Croome says the following:
Some genuinely believe marriage equality will make the sky fall in and want the reform delayed in Australia until evidence of calamity emerges from other countries (for the record, it won't. He ignores all the court cases, fines, jail threats. arrests, bans on adoptions agencies, closing of B&B, closing of adoption groups). Others just want it off the table before the next election by pretending they have done something when they have actually done nothing at all.
Now he accues anybody who objects to homosexual sin being transformed into homosexual marriage as - haters, bigots, backward 1950's type people....
Then there are those who are just itching for a platform for their hate. They don't care what the platform is or what the collateral damage will be. They just want their whacky ideas about slippery slopes and 'rainbow ideology' to be centre stage after decades of people not taking them seriously.There may even be some who simply enjoy putting barriers in the way of equality for LGBTI people. It boosts their sense of power and superiority over us. 

Such a poor and illogical argument - often false from a homosexual himself and his group of advocates. But then again he make the ultimate false claim that his homosexual sin is a human right
But the importance of resisting a postal vote goes well beyond the LGBTI community. It is a direct attack on the idea that human rights are above politics and above the whim of the majority. It is an example of the kind of populist authoritarianism that is making headway across the western world. I urge every Australian who values our system of Government and believes in human rights to speak out against this obnoxious proposal.

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