Just want privacy - Gay Bathroom debacle

Across the USA the gender-bending ideology of the Obama administration and LGBT extremists is being imposed by government bureaucrats without regard to the safety or privacy of girls and women. In Washington state, there is a chance to do something to stop it, but only if we act immediately to help with an urgent appeal.

Washington state's grossly mis-named and unelected Human Rights Commission took the horrendous step of passing a rule that opened all of the state's public locker rooms, bathrooms, and other intimate facilities to men simply based on them claiming a female 'gender identity.' It applies to every public school, park, ball field and public building.

In Washington State 75% of those polled agree men do not belong in intimate facilities reserved for girls and women such as locker and changing rooms or bathrooms and showers. If we can get the measure on the ballot, we have an excellent chance to repeal this dangerous rule. Our children deserve to have their privacy respected and their safety protected. Women deserve safe places. The unelected bureaucrats on the Human Rights Commission have forced on Washingtonians — mother and fathers, sons and daughters — as well businesses, a horrendously bad and dangerous law that no legislator or voter has ever approved that puts the political demands of a very small minority over the safety and privacy of the rest of the citizenry.

Just Want Privacy can reverse this travesty at the ballot box in November, but only if they get the necessary signatures by July 8th into the Secretary of State's office. However, I am going to be blunt — our allies in Washington State need help from across the nation to raise the necessary funds to gather the signatures.

I don't have to tell you what is at stake. Unless voters have the ability to put a stop to the unfair, unjust and dangerous rules imposed by the unelected and grossly misnamed Human Rights Commission, girls and women will have their privacy and safety jeopardized in the most intimate of facilities — bathrooms, showers, locker rooms and changing areas. 

Victims of sexual assault have testified that they are haunted by memories of their assaults as they are confronted by biological males. None of this is necessary. The needs of the few transgendered individuals can be accommodated without jeopardizing the safety and privacy of the rest of the citizenry. And keep this in mind: if we can win this November in Washington state, we will send a message to policymakers across the country that voters do not support this dangerous gender ideology being pushed on the nation by Obama and his extremist LGBT allies


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