Homosexual desires, orientation and behavio are all sinful

Evangelicals have been silenced on this issue. It must stop so Biblical truth can be spoken over broken peoples lives and not celebrated. 

Evangelicals share a consistent conviction that homosexual practice is sinful according to the Scriptures. Some Christians view homosexual desire as morally neutral, while others believe it calls for repentance and gospel renewal.

Both homosexual behavior and homosexual desires are sinful. This includes emotional and romantic aspects of attraction as well as the sexual desire. Is same-sex orientation also sexual attraction? Yes. A person is not absolved of an immoral sexual desire simply because it seems to follow an enduring pattern, an orientation. We are sinful not only in our choices but also in our nature. To the degree that same-sex bonds are defined by sexual possibility and intention, they are sinful.

Should sexual orientation be a consideration in personal identity? Accepting sexual orientation as an identity-defining element of the human condition is foreign to Scripture—except as a feature of human sinfulness.

If same-sex attraction is seen as temptation, we can then see the precise nature of Christ’s temptation for us. Our temptation is sinful where Christ’s was not. Our temptation is sinful because it comes from within us—from our inherently sinful nature. Christ’s temptation came at him externally.

Same-sex attraction is sinful if the attraction is sexual in nature, if it carries the potential of being sexually expressed, or if it is used as a primary identity marker. Because same-sex attraction is sinful, it can be battled effectively if the church identifies with those who are struggling (as fellow sinners being sanctified). Moreover, war can and should be waged against all indwelling sin, and the church should be the safest place for such a war to be waged. Change will not happen magically upon one’s understanding of the Bible, but it can in fact change if churches are committed to ministry. The myth that change is impossible must be tackled head-on by a reaffirmation of biblical instruction. The myth that change is harmful, asserts that assisting people in changing their sexual orientation is dangerous. The danger is with the lifestyle itself, not with those who are trying to help.

Another myth is that change requires heterosexual desire. Heterosexuality is not the goal. What the Bible expects and demands is holiness. Another Myth is that change happens without repentance. Biblically the path to change is always repentance. Repentance is the only path to change. Evangelicals speak the truth, speak the gospel, and speak with humility. In all things, our aim is love. not merely behavior change, but complete personal transformation through the power of the gospel.

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