San Francisco’s giants of intolerance

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee (D) may have just given North Carolina the greatest religious liberty thank-you gift ever! The out-of-control leader announced over the weekend that he’s banning travel to the state after the legislature put the brakes on a dangerous transgender bill that would have posed a serious safety risk to everyone in Charlotte. To protest the popular repeal (unanimous in the General Assembly, as a matter of fact), Mayor Lee declared that his city is “standing united as San Franciscans to condemn North Carolina… Effective immediately, I am directing city departments under my authority to bar any publicly-funded city employee travel to the state of North Carolina that is not absolutely essential to public health and safety.” Given the record rates of sexually transmitted diseases in Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D) district, North Carolinians probably aren’t looking to San Francisco for a lesson in public safety!
Governor Pat McCrory (R), who made the bold decision to sign a bill that blocks other cities from trying Charlotte’s stunt, reminded people that he joined a “bipartisan majority to stop this breach of basic privacy and etiquette.” As many as 12 Democrats agreed with North Carolinians that punishing conservative beliefs and turning public facilities into a gender free-for-all was a ridiculously bad idea for the state. Of course, Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts, who refused to listen to local voters or the state legislature, insists her state is “on the wrong side of progress.”
But if “progress” is letting a grown man shower with our young daughters, then North Carolina should be proud to be on the wrong side of it! In the meantime, people like Lee are only revealing the true meaning of liberal “tolerance” -- which is just totalitarianism in disguise. If San Francisco wants to put its population at risk with policies of sexual radicalism, let it. But in North Carolina, real freedom comes first.
Reprinted with permission from Family Research Council.


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